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January 2020 Awards!

February 21, 2020

It gives me great pleasure to issue my first round of monthly awards for the Task Forces who submitted such excellent nominations. This, as well as the uptick in Hall of Honour nominations really does mean I have the best job in the Fleet if I get to recognise excellence in our organisation. So without further ado:

Player of the Month (TF38)

Commander Roy Tanner, USS Apollo

“Mark has really hit the ground running on the Apollo, participating at a very high level right from the beginning. He’s been willing to do joint posts with anyone and is helping the group leaders keep an eye on activity. Additionally, he’s volunteered to be part of the specs team in his first month in Bravo Fleet, and that’s the kind of energy we like to see.”

Sim of the Month (TF38)

USS Ascension

“During 2019, the Ascension had ups and downs with a change in command, but I’ve been impressed over the last few months that they have managed to keep activity and recruitment going. It’s not easy to take over someone else’s group, so dizzyg1970 deserves credit for doing so competently. As we get them integrated into the new canon plan, she has been willing to listen and seems eager to lead her group to success in 2020.”

Post of the Month (TF38)

A Long Way From Home,’ USS Newton

“One of the things we’re working to establish in TF38 is how remote our ships are from Starfleet; we’re out here on the frontier exploring without a lot of support. It’s lonely. It’s difficult. This post really captures the spirit of that theme as a captain and first officer discuss being sent to one of the harshest and most remote regions in the galaxy.”

Sim of the Month (TF64)


Selected by the TFXO for SotM.

Post of the Month (TF64)

Return of the Chief,” Endeavour

Selected by the TFXO for Post of the Month

Post of the Month (TF93

Iria Taltos, USS Shanghai

“This month, I chose Ensign Taltos. After a time away from us, she not only jumped back into the posts with a flash but rejoined group discussions and the community as a whole. There is little more one could hope for when a player comes back to the simm. The writing is on point, the character is an interesting and unique one, and the choice in position gives an interesting look into the ship as a whole – though likely we’ll be looking to her to help hold up the Engineering department more and more.”

Sim of the Month (TF93)

USS Asger

“USS Asger has an interesting mission coming up, and in January it had some wonderfully written character pieces which I enjoyed reading. I see that it is very active, with an interesting mission that has potential for some cool storylines. I look forward to seeing more from the sim and how its mission develops.”

Post of the Month (TF93)

Temporal Knowledge,” Jane Sinclair

“This month I’m nominating Jane Sinclair’s (and guests) “Temporal Knowledge” series and the first part in particular. It is a great look into the dangers and pitfalls of looking into the future before you should. As always, it is well written and an interesting look into a character that has become a mainstay on the ship. It’s given some interesting insights into things to come and lays a great groundwork for stories to come in the future.”