USS Lafayette (Archive)

Task Force 86

Boasting all of the flair of a Sovereign-class vessel, the USS Lafayette is ready to serve in any capacity. Wether the situation calls for careful diplomatic maneuvoring or more aggressive negotiations, the Lafayette and her crew are ready to serve. Focusing closely on the extremely dangerous region know as “The Triangle”, Cromwell and his crew are taking every step they can to restore stability and peace to the region.

Content on this command is rated at 212 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Moderate swearing, moderate violence, and sexual innuendo may be present. It is intended for 17+ audiences.

RPG Rating 2 1 2

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 1849
Executive Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Flight Control Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Security & Tactical Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Operations Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Science Officer
ID: 1849
Civilian (CO's Daughter)
ID: 1849
Civilian (CO's Wife)
ID: 1849
TF47 Executive Officer
ID: 1849

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5 December 2023

10. The Best Laid Plans

USS Lafayette: At Our Heels

The tension in the dim red light of the bridge aboard the Lafayette was almost tangible. With the Borg Sphere getting closer and closer every moment and a dangerous maneuver ahead of them, the entire crew was feeling the weight of the moment. Cromwell sat in the center chair, working his jaw. This [...]

28 November 2023

11. The Downfall of Arrogance

USS Lafayette: At Our Heels

The Lafayette hung in orbit over Candera Prime. It didn’t take any sensor scans or view screen magnification to find the source of the distress call. The scorched earth, fire, and billowing towers of smoke could be seen easily from orbit on the planet below. The site had previously been occupied [...]

27 November 2023

09. Catch Me If You Can

USS Lafayette: At Our Heels

“Status report,” Cromwell had sat in the center chair for as long as he could. He stood up and walked toward the conn, his mind buzzing with anxiety knowing that that Sphere was close enough behind to kick them.  “Holding at warp 8, the Sphere is closing a lot faster than I’d like it [...]

25 November 2023

08. Blood In The Water

USS Lafayette: At Our Heels

It had been thirty-six hours since the Cromwell had left the away team on the surface. There’d been regular check-ins every couple of hours but it still felt like time was dragging. DeMont was on the screen now, briefing the bridge team on their latest status.  “We’re roughly [...]