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Profile Overview

Meg Cromwell-Dart

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Cromwell-Dart


Civilian (CO's Daughter)
USS Lafayette (Archive)


Meghan Elizabeth Cromwell-Dart

July 23, 2371

Deep Space, Aboard the USS Knoxville


Meghan Cromwell-Dart is a strong will and passionate woman. She cares deeply about those around her and the world she lives in. She is the only child of Commodore Peter Cromwell and his wife Gracie Cromwell. She is intelligent, well-spoken, and prefers to her time in the dirt on her husbands agro farm outside of Tacoma. She spent the first four years of her life hopping from starship to starship until her mother took her back to earth. She has a close relationship with both her parents, despite her father being assigned to Starfleet vessel. She married her high school sweetheart right out of college and has lived with him on his family’s farm ever since.