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USS Jaxartes (NCC-88010)

The last crew left the USS Jaxartes battered but unbowed. With her repairs and refit barely complete this feisty Raven class corvette and her hastily assembled new crew must as part of Task Force 86, head out to one of the most chaotic sectors of the Beta Quadrant.

USS Jaxartes

Raven-class • NCC-88010 • Task Force 86

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2554
Chief Engineer
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
Mission Advisor
ID: 2554
Doctor (secondment)
ID: 2554
Science Officer
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
Conn/Helm/Fighter Pilot
ID: 2554

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23 July 2024

Part J: As The World Falls Down

USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down

It would be soon time for the USS Jaxartes and the SS Alchemist to part company.  All the repair work had been completed and the little Raven class corvette was probably in better shape than she had been at any point since the start of the year.  There had been a few minor upgrades done [...]

20 July 2024

Part I: Future Plans

USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down

Doctors Medical Log:   Ensign Torf, Albert, Male, Betazoid. Medical Ref:  2477-09-401   Thanks to Assistant Inspector Koryl’s information regarding the drug Trelzegalian.  It is something I was unfamiliar with and would appear to be almost untraceable within an hour or so of [...]

17 July 2024

Part H: Koryl

USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down

Doctor Andrianakis had just given the Devore Officer an injection with the hypospray, when he stirred slightly. “Pumping me full of Truth Serum are you doc?” He groggily asked; the effects of the phaser stun not having completely worn off.  He tried to move, but discovered, as was to be [...]

14 July 2024

Part G: Rescue

USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down

Roughly half an hour before Lieutenant Stuart and Ensign Tholakath commenced their attack run on the anomaly; the cargo shuttle had touched down on Vargus III, unloaded its passengers, and retreated to a safe location in orbit; were it would remain until called upon.  Lieutenant Devron led the [...]