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Profile Overview

Phoebe Andrianakis

Human Female

Character Information


Doctor (secondment)
USS Jaxartes


Phoebe Ann Andrianakis


Thessaloniki - Greece - Earth


Born to mother Iris Andrianakis: father not registered.

Joined the World Health Organisation in August of 2396 after graduating medical college in Greece.  Assisted in a number of disaster relief projects including the rescue and treatment of injured during the 2398 earthquake and floods in Asia.

Approached by Hachiro Jinguji in 2399 to become his medic aboard the rescue vessel MRT Atragon and her on board submarine.

Agreed to join the USS Jaxartes at the request of her captain Jason Devron in 2401 shortly after the destruction of the Atragon.  Still currently listed as civilian medic on Starfleet secondment.


Height 1.67m full figured.  Olive skinned, black hair, almond eyes.


Regarded by those that know her as having an old head on young shoulders.  A competent medic and wonderful cook; who as managed to blend Greek and Asian cooking with cuisines from other worlds.  A motherly figure who people find easy to confide in.


Attended school and medical college in Greece.

Graduated in 2396

Joined the World Health Organisation 2396

Joined Hachiro Jinguji and his rescue team 2399

Joined USS Jaxartes 2401 Civilian doctor