‘Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.’
– Emily Dickinson
The USS Nighthawk is a Reliant-class starship assigned to Endeavour Squadron. The squadron’s mission is to maintain stability on the Federation’s spinward Romulan borders, the hot-bed where the different Romulan factions come together, as well as the Federation’s allies in the Romulan Republic and Klingon Empire, and other volatile, unaffiliated groups. Under Commander Daniran Kosst, the Nightawk’s primary responsibility is to provide support and flexibility to the operations of the squadron’s larger or more tactically-capable ships, particularly the flagship Triumph or the powerful USS Endeavour. But she is also expected to resolve operations when other ships need to move on to more high-priority concerns, and consistently lingers in a region for days or weeks to conclude humanitarian support or finalise minor details in negotiations whose main principles have been settled. The work may not always be glamorous – but it can be the difference between finishing off a problem for good, or seeing it come back later.
Endeavour Squadron
USS Endeavour | USS Triumph | USS Pathfinder | USS Independence
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Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief of Security/Tactical
Chief Engineer
Second Officer
Chief Helm Officer
Chief Science Officer
7 June 2023
USS Nighthawk (Archive)
‘Warning. Hull integrity compromised. Chamber pressure low.’ That seemed important. But how could it be? How could it be more important than closing her eyes? ‘Warning –’ But the voice had dragged her from the seductive darkness, and now she was in the light. Dim and bloodstained [...]
11 May 2023
USS Nighthawk (Archive)
‘Good news,’ said Commander Kosst as she emerged from her ready room into the Nighthawk’s bridge. ‘I’ve had word from SB514…’ But her voice trailed off at the sight that greeted her. Lieutenant Tyrell Rhade was slumped in his seat at the bridge station he rarely assumed, head in his [...]
29 April 2023
USS Nighthawk (Archive)
Dani Kosst had not expected picking up one lone Fenris Ranger to summon the squadron’s leadership, but the moment Endeavour had heard the news, Captain Rourke had insisted on rushing to join the Nighthawk. They hadn’t spent much time together, but she’d not known what to make of the burly [...]
6 April 2023
USS Nighthawk (Archive)
She’d been captain of the Nighthawk for over six months now, and Dani Kosst still didn’t know where she should sit in her mess hall of a morning. Technically she had a captain’s dining room, but it made her feel shut off and claustrophobic if she didn’t invite anyone to join her. That took [...]