USS Antares (NCC-74601)
After completing her mid-life refit, the Antares once again strikes out into the universe. Now a part of Arcturus Squadron, this Intrepid-class starship is under the command of Captain Noah Armstrong.
Arcturus Wayfinding Squadron is an elite exploratory unit that specializes in finding new ways forward for Starfleet. Distinct from navigation, which is plotting a course based on the precise knowledge of exactly where one is in the universe, wayfinding is a more general word that refers to the process of orienting oneself in regard to space, place, objects, and peoples. Wayfinding was practiced by the Polynesian and Norse voyagers of Earth in the ancient past, as they used landmarks, the stars, and their relationships with other beings to find their way across the seas. While Arcturus Squadron engages in traditional surveying and charting missions, its mandate is also to use whatever tools it can to find the way forward, whether through diplomacy, acquiring or developing new propulsion methods, or, when necessary, mitigating threats to Starfleet’s exploratory mission.
Currently, Arcturus Squadron is based out of Olympia Station at the rimward trailing edge of Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Chief Communications Officer
Ship's Counselor
Deputy Medical Officer
Head of Nursing
Deputy Operations Officer
Deputy Security Officer
Arcturus Squadron Commander
Romulan Free State Agent
Arcturus Crew
Arcturus Crew
Arcturus Crew
27 January 2023
After a day at warp eight, Antares was still more than five light-years and two days of travel away from Omega Termini. At that range, the ship’s own long-range sensors were able to get a better picture of the system than the Daren Array was able to provide, and nothing they were picking up was [...]
20 January 2023
04 — Interacting with the Carbon Units
USS Antares: First Steps“Does he get that I’m a psychiatrist, not a morale officer?” Lieutenant Burke complained, absently tracing paths with the pads of his fingertips across the bare skin of Lieutenant Andrews’s bare chest. Captain Armstrong had ordered him to arrange a morale-boosting event for the crew, and [...]
19 January 2023
Captain’s Log, Supplemental. Antares remains on course to Omega Termini along with Commander Detrama’s warbird. I have reviewed the dossiers forwarded by Starfleet Command, and I find myself with more questions than answers about this mission. By all accounts, Detrama is neither an explorer nor [...]
18 January 2023
While Commander Pierce oversaw their scientific mission, Captain Armstrong had been ensconced in his ready room to continue planning for their initial sojourn into the Talvath Cluster. His prior assignment commanding a Parliament-class utility vessel had largely meant following orders closely and [...]