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USS Atlantis (NCC-90562)

USS Atlantis

Sovereign-class • NCC-90562 • Task Force 47

“…both wealth and concord decline as possessions become pursued and honored. And virtue perishes with them as well.”
― Plato, Timaeus and Critias

USS Atlantis (NCC-90562) is a Sovereign-class starship assigned to the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 47 and under the command of Captain Tikva Theodoras. Commissioned into service in early 2400 with the decommissioning of her previous namesake, Atlantis continues that vessel’s proud tradition of exploration and discovery while championing the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation. With renewed commitment to once more fulfilling Starfleet’s principal duty of exploration, Atlantis is soon to find herself working on the map’s edge, where adventure and thrills a plenty can be found.

Built on a tried and true space-frame with all the latest technical innovations, Atlantis is well equipped for her forthcoming mission of exploration into the Thomar Expanse. An experienced core crew, fresh faces to round out the numbers and a willingness to go see what’s just past the map edge – these are the voyages of the starship Atlantis

To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!

Previous ships to bear the name Atlantis

Atlantis (NX-05), NX-class
USS Atlantis (NCC-1865), Miranda-class
USS Atlantis (NCC-1984), Constitution-class
USS Atlantis (NCC-72007), Excelsior-class
USS Atlantis (NCC-81424), Argonaut-class

The stories of the Atlantis and her crew are rated:
RPG Rating 2 2 2This is roughly equivalent to 16+

Atlantis Exploratory Squadron

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24 July 2024

Journeys - 13

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“Engineering to the Bridge” was rarely the start of a conversation that had happy outcomes. “We’ve got an additional problem down here.” Lieutenant Merktin, the resident Tellarite in Engineering and simply one of the best engineers in Starfleet, in the estimation of Atlantis’ command [...]

20 July 2024

Journeys - 12

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“I think it’s fair to say that whoever built this plinth didn’t build the ring.” Dimitry Malenkov’s statement cut through the back and forth that Gabrielle and W’a’le’ki had been in the middle of while examining the plinth’s outer surface. It had also bounced off of Simmons’ [...]

20 July 2024

Journeys - 11

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“No response from Perseus ma’am.” Samantha Michaels’ announcement wasn’t the most welcome piece of news on the bridge of Atlantis at that moment. “And we’ve just lost communications with the probes around the aperture as well.” “May I?” asked Rrr, who’d been standing behind [...]

17 July 2024

Journeys - 10

USS Atlantis: Journeys

“Nothing?” W’a’le’ki looked up from her tricorder and offered a slight smile to Commander Camargo to along with the shrug of her shoulders. “Nothing of significance specifically.” They’d been planetside, no, ringside, now for a few hours and frankly she was much happier to have [...]