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Profile Overview

Ra-Tesh'mi Velan apb Tahir Rahim. Image by MJ.

Ra-tesh’mi Velan

Efrosian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Velan


Chief Engineering Officer
USS Atlantis


Ra-tesh’mi Velan is a tall, solidly built Efrosian male with an easy going smile and affable personality. Ra has essentially fallen upwards into his current position as chief engineer, ascending to such heights not through any dedicated effort to climb the career ladder, but by work ethic, intellect and ability to coordinate people that he simply calls ‘doing his job’. Having previously been an engineer and chief engineer on smaller ships, like the older Argonaut-class ships, finding himself as chief engineer of a Sovereign-class starship is quiet the challenge.


Ra-Tesh'mi Velan apb Tahir Rahim. Image by MJ.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
- 2400 Chief Engineering Officer USS Atlantis NCC-81424
Lieutenant Commander
2400 - Present Chief Engineering Officer USS Atlantis NCC-90562
Lieutenant Commander