USS Perseverance (NCC-97608)

Captain Walton and Commander Park are on a redemption tour after failing at the larger Obena Class USS Dragonfly. Now, they begin a journey towards regaining the confidence of their superiors and themselves.

USS Perseverance

Pathfinder-class • NCC-97608 • Task Force 21

The Perseverance is a science and exploration ship first and is dedicated to the discovery of the unknown.

Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

The Dragonfly Emissary Squadron is a powerful component of Task Force 72: Diplomatic Operations. It operates under the command of Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana, Starfleet. Fleet Captain Fontana commands the Squadron from the starbase Montana Station, a Canopus class starbase.
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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2468
Executive Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Operations
ID: 2468
Chief Engineer
ID: 2468
Chief Flight Control
ID: 2468
Chief Science
ID: 2468
Chief Medical
ID: 2468
Diplomatic Attaché
ID: 2468

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9 September 2024

TS 007 – What Are We?

USS Perseverance: The Searchers

“I do not envy you, Commander Park.”  Chief Medical Officer Sergio Clemente verified the inventory from cabinet to cabinet in his sickbay.  Park was making her rounds to check in with department heads as the Perseverance returned to Montana Station.  She’d decided to start with [...]

5 September 2024

TS 006 – Aftermath

USS Perseverance: The Searchers

They scrambled to the helmets and ran towards the body, shouting commands and reports into various channels. The medical tent sprung into action and hustled an isolation bed across the dusty ground to the gathered group. Within sixty seconds, the body was secured and protected from the effects of [...]

4 September 2024

TS 005 – The Capsule Cometh

USS Perseverance: The Searchers

“All hands, standby for landing operations.  Go to blue alert.”  Captain Wren Walton sat in the center command chair, seat belt activated.  They had found a planet that matched the needs of the capsule and, with the help of the Dragonfly, had been replenished with a full crew. [...]

30 August 2024

TS 004 – Hoksta in the House

USS Perseverance: The Searchers

“I don’t trust hoomans.”  Hoksta walked behind Captain Wren Walton with Lieutenant Grace Albright at his side.  “I know you only by reputation, Hooman Walton.” Wren forced down a chuckle, “Is that good or bad?”  They turned a corner in the corridor to the shuttle bay. [...]