USS Kennedy (NCC-64921)
The USS Kennedy is a Norway-class diplomatic cruiser attached to Archanis Station in order to support the attached Archanis Diplomatic Mission in its efforts to strengthen the Federation’s ties with its borderlands colonies and to manage diplomatic ties with Klingon border houses.
The stories of Polaris Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including violence, language and sexual content.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Charge d'affaires, Archanis Diplomatic Mission
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Counselor
Attaché to the Charge d'affaires, Archanis Diplomatic Mission
Sector Commander, Archanis Operations
Squadron Commander, Polaris Squadron
24 March 2025
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
“Will this actually work?” Captain Jake Lewis asked as he stared at numerals and symbology that meant absolutely nothing to him. “Can we actually use this to get home?” The Underspace had brought them here, and now, it might get them home. If the Romulan was right, and that [...]
23 March 2025
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
The USS Polaris, headquarters of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, had a sensor suite capable of mapping the most complex spacetime topologies, detecting the most obscure exotic particles, and analyzing the slightest fluctuations in subspace. None of that mattered though. Not [...]
23 March 2025
In An Instant, Everything Changed
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
Forward movement. Always forward. One light year at a time. That had been his mantra ever since they’d found themselves stranded on the far side of the Beta Quadrant. It was the only way he’d ever get these crews home. But now they sat motionless, unable to advance. They were stuck. Neither [...]
22 March 2025
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
“It’s moments like these when I miss Dr. Lockwood the most,” Lieutenant Akil al-Qadir offered. The eccentric astrophysicist would have seen what they were not. But he was dead now, having given his last breaths to save the rest of them from the Dominion bioweapon, a relic of the [...]