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USS Douglas

Constitution III-class • NCC-91685 • Task Force 72

“Exploration is wired into our brains. If we can see the horizon, we want to know what’s beyond.”

– Buzz Aldrin

Dedication Plaque

Dragonfly Emissary Division

The Dragonfly Emissary Division is a powerful component of Task Force 72: Diplomatic Operations. It operates under the command of Captain Wren Walton, Starfleet. Captain Walton commands the division from her flagship, the USS Dragonfly (NCC-83008), an Obena-class Emissary Explorer.
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24 June 2024

LOST 007– Within and Out There

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

Fowler sat carefully at her station, her body echoing the leftover aches.  Reid had begrudgingly cleared her for duty that morning with strict instructions, including supervision by an orderly on the bridge.  The real work had already begun in part by the communication chief, Presley, and [...]

19 June 2024

LOST 006– When Push Comes to Shove

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

Prentice recalculated his intercept course, reporting, “One hour until we’re clear of Devore Imperium space, captain.”  The bridge crew remained on edge, attending to their stations while watching the clock below the viewscreen tick down minute by minute.  Halsey walked from console [...]

19 June 2024

LOST 005– On Our Way

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

The bridge would need work once they returned home, Halsey had realized as the engineering and operations team had finished their work.  In one hour, they’d restored the consoles and removed the large glass schematic of the Douglas in the rear of the bridge.  Some of the chairs had been [...]

18 June 2024

LOST 004 – Invaders

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

“Decks 1 through 10 are secure.” Ensign Athena replied to the call from Operations Chief Tir.  The power had kicked on ten minutes prior, and there were scattered reports of intruders coming in as the systems reset themselves.  The Damage Control teams were finding their third and [...]