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USS Arondight (NCC-86407)

USS Arondight

Reliant-class • NCC-86407 • Fourth Fleet

The Federation starship Arondight, named for Sir Lancelot’s sword of Arthurian legend, is a well-equipped, modern frigate assigned to operations under the aegis of Arcturus Wayfinding Squadron in the Olympia Sector. Along with her counterpart, the USS Buran, the Arondight typically operates within a few hours warp of Olympia Station, patrolling the sector while performing mapping and exploration duties along the way. Fresh off her first major refit, the Arondight has a new command crew of young, eager officers ready to make a difference in a post-Frontier Day galaxy.

Stories on this command are rated 2-2-2, with reader discretion advised.

Arcturus Wayfinding Squadron

Arcturus Wayfinding Squadron is an elite exploratory unit that specializes in finding new ways forward for Starfleet, both in a literal navigational sense and through diplomatic overtures to secure routes out into deep space.

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22 June 2024

6. Warp Speed Interlude

USS Arondight: One of Our Starbases is Missing

As the shuttle raced along at warp seven—a phenomenal rate of speed for anything that small—Paulo Costa locked in the autopilot while Tristan Hawthorne continued to calibrate the recon sensor pallet Olympia Station had lent them for the journey. The sensors on a type-12 shuttle were already [...]

21 June 2024

5. Beyond Help

USS Arondight: One of Our Starbases is Missing

The moment it entered the subspace corridor, Olympia Station had set the record for the fastest speed ever recorded by a Federation space station. Considering its design speed was to be, well, stationary, the problem the station’s crew and the crew of the Arondight now faced was how to make [...]

21 June 2024

4. Into the Space Hole

USS Arondight: One of Our Starbases is Missing

Given their scramble for uniforms, Costa wasn’t surprised when he and Hawthorne were the last two senior officers to make it to the bridge. He was just grateful the two of them had ended up in the right color jackets, after all. Their once-again-interrupted conversation had him feeling a lot of [...]

18 June 2024

3. Lancaster, Closeted Love Guru

USS Arondight: One of Our Starbases is Missing

Two months prior to their assignment to the Arondight, newly promoted Lieutenant Commanders Costa and Hawthorne were hand-picked to accompany Fleet Captain Lancaster for a special assignment aboard the Apollo. The Sheliak were up in arms about a Federation vessel that had drifted into their space [...]