USS Rubidoux (Archive)
A one stop shop support ship. Science, Engineering, Medical, even just a supply run. We have even been know to handle diplomatic matters when the situations calls for it. The Rubidoux is here for all your heavy lifting needs.
A one stop shop support ship. Science, Engineering, Medical, even just a supply run. We have even been know to handle diplomatic matters when the situations calls for it. The Rubidoux is here for all your heavy lifting needs.
The Rubidoux, her namesake being a mountain in the old earth state of California is perhaps apt, one of Starfleets rock-like assets in the sector . But from stranded freighters to major colony project support, from ship decontaminations to colony epidemic support, from the support of major research projects to the resupply of remote stations, to the support of ongoing diplomatic efforts. The Roo, as the ship has been affectionately known, is there for starfleet, from keeping things running to just straight up playing nice.
Lead by a captain whose actively selected this assignment, in the hopes of a calmer time for the moment. Supported by a bright, capable officer adapting to the role of XO.
Leading a mixed of crew, blending the new and eager with the experienced and knowledgeable.
26 July 2024
USS Rubidoux (Archive)
Now holding a unnatural pose thanks to the right boot being encased in the solidified crystal, Charnack rapidly felt the need to extract himself from the situation, left foot was free and on the surface of the ‘sea’, left hand was palm flat against the cliff face, right hand ar in reach of and [...]
16 July 2024
USS Rubidoux (Archive)
“Commander it appears that the probe uplink has a command approval process added. May I ask why?” The question was put to Eviea, who was only a few paces into the repair bay that was serving as a control center for the probes deployed to study the anomaly that had deposited them in this [...]
7 July 2024
USS Rubidoux (Archive)
Being knee deep in what was liquid crystal was certainly one of the more unique experiences Ishaan Bacshi had experienced to date while in starfleet. The heating of the crystal had given it transparent qualities, which allowed the ‘seafloor’ to be observed; there were patches of white similar [...]
1 July 2024
The unexpected spanner, From an unexpected angle (phase1)
USS Rubidoux (Archive)
“Welcome back Commanders, lieutenant. The views from the sensors were spectacular in themselves. I would imagine seeing them up close would be outstanding.” Morr beamed, as he greeted the returning officers, watching on as they unlatched and began to remove helmet sections of the protective [...]