Part of USS Rubidoux: To Rescue. To Hide. To Run and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Climber’s Choice

Gem Planet & USS Rubidoux
Stardate 78881.1
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Now holding a unnatural pose thanks to the right boot being encased in the solidified crystal, Charnack rapidly felt the need to extract himself from the situation, left foot was free and on the surface of the ‘sea’, left hand was palm flat against the cliff face, right hand ar in reach of and able to get a solid grip on an equally solid nub of crystal jutting out of the cliff wall. Left hand and arm could bear his weight, but how solid was the ‘sea’ under his left boot.

He pushed down gingerly.

“Charnack, I’m coming down. Don’t do anything rash.” The voice of Isshan Bacshi, his direct supervisor for the moment, floated through his helmet.

He pushed down firmly this time. No give from either foot.

“Move your hand, I need that foothold.” Bacshi again, giving an instruction but a kind one, or the tone was kind anyway.

Carnack glanced upwards as he responded to the instruction, hand of the nub and onto the cliff face. Taking in the boots and the androgens suited back of a person descending carefully, a sense of impatience drifted into  then began to overtake his thoughts, he wanted to try and pull himself free to be done with the minor incident, he desperately wanted it to be a minor incident.

“Are you in any pain or discomfort?” Bacshi was down and by his side, quizzing him once more, his gaze across two visors was a concerned one, also one that was trying in vain to hide a serious amount of mental activity.

“Pain no. Discomfort not yet, but keeping this stance will involve some I think.” Charnak responded truthfully, aside from a dull ache from the initial fall, holding position was his main concern. “Boss, I can push down and I’ve got a good grip on the wall. Good old leverage might be enough here.” He offered hope of being listened to too, hopeful of the process working.

“Okay, I can either support or assist, as in grab your leg and pull. What’s your preference?” Bacshi offered, stomping about on the ‘sea’, shifting positions several times, this was either uncertainty or working out best stance for the two options just given.

“Pull, definitely pull. I want out of this as soon as possible.” Charnak responded emphatically after a bare moment of thinking, his own heavy breathing, brought on by the dislike of being stuck, added to the list of current irritations forming in his mind. That irritation carried through in his voice, which seemed more pronounced in the fish bowl of a headpiece.

“Deep in. Hold. Four short, light breaths out.” The familiar and right now useful tones of twin sister Racshaw resounded in his suit. “Just breathe for a moment, Char. Nothing else matters.” She resenforced, bringing her insightful, yet decisive manner to bear on his behalf. This would normally add to the irritations list, yet it was the breathing and coping technique the pair of them along with the ship’s counselor worked out during their last year cadet cruise.

“I just want out of here Racs.” He admitted, before laps in ting into spike eve and following the breathing exercises. Repeating once, then twice, a third time, a fourth time. All the while only dimly aware of the movement and conversations carried on by Racshaw and Bacshi, around him.

“If you’re adding to the leverage.” Racshaw began placing her suited form between Charncak and the cliff wall. “I’ll brace and support, if I can get a position and enough purchase on the surface. The light pressure against his upper chest, told of her attempts to test position herself against him.

“I’m ready.” He announced, feeling very present, a little clearer headed, and ready for another attempt. He glanced around, Racshaw was directly in front of him, while Bacshi had dropped to one knee by his trapped leg. “Go on my count, Sir?” He queried.

“Makes all the sense to me. Give us a two count and a mark.” Bacshi responded, tilting his head upwards momentarily and then back down, gripped behind the knee joint and pushed up on a toe a little.

Racshaw kicked her legs up one after another, likely stamping the crampon attachments firmly into the surface.

“One. Two. MARK!” He counted rhythmically, tensing slightly, tightening his grip on the cliff, digging a toe in.

Then pushed upwards with all he could, Pulling forwards towards the wall. He felt himself take a deep, deep breath in as he began. Straining against the constant resistance, there was a little give and then nothing. His arm began to burn with effort, then his thigh muscles. Then the breath he held began to escape his lips, like a steam valve preventing an overload.

Then there was grinding noise, then a sound of shattering glass, Racshaw slid forward, across and downwards to the ‘sea’ surface. A dull thud was transmitted through the suit audio, followed by a slintering noise.

“Racshaw!” Came an explanation from Charnack, a delayed echo in the form of Bacshi’s voice.

Looking to his right the suited form lay still for a worrying long moment in time. Then it stirred. Then it rocked. Then Racshaw rolled over. Small hairline crack in the face plate was all that showed of the fall.

“Give over shouting. The fall was shocking enough.” She responded.

The three shared a moment of silence that was for a moment peaceful given the surroundings, the discovery, and the thrill and clam that produced simultaneously. “Can anyone hear a faint hiss or squeak?” Chanack asked, breaking the silence, the sound only occasionally registering in his ears.

“No.” Rachshaw responded cautiously, and from a pose that some fitness coaches might call a bridge, as she picked herself up.

“Negative.” Bacshi responded, pulling his suit readouts up, that sight alone was enough. “Check you suit diagnostics.” The instruction was now expected and a little ominous.

“Seventy one percent.” He responded, calling them up promptly, his tone bright. Fifteen seconds later. “Seventy percent.” His tone dropped with his facial expression.

“Set your suit to track, let’s not go off the deep, yet.” Bacshi responded quickly, firmly but kindly. He was in front of Charnack now, both hand grasping the headpiece. “Monitor, your condition is known, rescue team is standard procedure, information is king. Monitor, Lieutenant.” The instructions were concise, logical and at this point just what the young andorian needed. The rising panic leveled. He focused on pushing the keys.

“Cut him out, can we do that?” Racshaw half stated half questioned, she had her hands on hips, and was looking, not at him but the predicament he was in, splinting the problem, looking for a solution.

“Tricky, in its solid form, the sea forms particularly that refract energy beams” Back’s hi came back with, his own experience coming into play now. “Wren and Me had a near miss, which is why we came on the warm side.” The further explanation was perhaps not needed, but useful in filling in the reasons.

“Sixty nine percent, at a ninety second interval.” Charnack confirmed the algorithms working out the life support time remaining, he held his silence a little longer while he mentally confirmed the fact. “That’s one hour forty five to life support depletion.”

“Bacshi to Morr, we have a confirmed suit breach, and request an expedited rescue team deployment.”


As the doors of the transporter room slid to one side Eviea Merrova expected to see a number 0of things, teams changing from standard uniform to the EVA suits needed for this particular mission, the boxes of equipment stacked in the center of the transporter pad. One she did not expect was her captain, one Vilgi Morr half suited up.

“Sir, with respect this is irregular.” Eviea stated simply, to ask ‘what are you doing’ was to her mind redundant, it was plain he intended to lead the rescue team. Which instantly prompted torn feelings in the woman, her captain’s safety was paramount, but there was something more going on here she felt, and little questioning might be needed here..

“It is, but I’ve decided my presence on this one is needed.” Was his simple response, but from his tone, the fact he stopped and spoke directly to her, was enough to show his sincerity. “You have the ship Commander. Order of the Captain.” His instruction was simple and invited no argument except for one.

“It’s my duty to object. A ship would struggle without its captain, sir.” Eviea responded, protocol or not she felt a little pressure needed to be applied, just to be sure.

“My life is no more valuable than the Lieutenant that is trapped, if you don’t already recognize that I hope you will soon enough.” Morr’s response was a little sterner, the type she was familiar with when his patience was being tested, or the other person made a statement that ran contrary to his personal values. “That said, to satisfy protocol would you like your objection on record.” He asked.

“I would.” Merrova responded honestly. Convinced that there was nothing else she could do too dissuade him from going, and nothing short of stunning him to prevent that from happening, which was generally not well regarded.

“Computer ships log addition. Captain Vilgi Morr leading the away mission over the objections of Commander Eviea Merrova.” He stated simply, raising his head slightly as many persons, herself included, did when addressing the computer alone.

Bacshi to Morr, we have a confirmed suit breach, request an expedited rescue team deployment.

Eviea turned and made straight for an equipment locker, keying in an access code, and taking hold of the case, white with gray banding stripe, and dragging it out. Striding over to the pad, and deposited in the growing equipment pile.

“Extra life support.” She stated, stepping down as the five suited persons then filed past onto the pad. Two yellows. Two blues. One red. Taking two back steps, Eviea smiled at the positioned team, hiding her nerves and uncertainty, the glimmer of a thought that this how it felt to send people into uncertainty. “Careful now, want you all back in one piece and in time for supper.” Flashing a grin, one that was so full of nerves Eviea decided to drop it. Arms folded she watched and listened as the command, ‘energize’, was given, the curtain of energy and matter descended, and the five faded from view.

“Keep a constant lock.” She stated, turning her head to the operator. “I know that goes without saying.” She admitted, before unfolding arms and striding away.

“Look Boss, just get them to cut it, above the ankle will be fine.” Charnack was heard saying as Morr re-materialized on the surface of the ‘sea’ tem meters away from the initial away team. “The vacuum and the cold will preserve it until the thaw, and if we can be around then, well, prosthetics are reasonable these days I hear.” He continued, his voice carrying an element of pleading, but the exact reason was unclear, was it out of personal discomfort, or a sacrifice for the greater number, this would need to be determined.

“Amputations should not be taken lightly, Lieutenant.” Vilgi stated as he strode towards them, the medical team going to the right, next to the cliff, while the engineers went to the left into open space. “If it’s a little discomfort, please rethink and reprioritise.” He added, addressing the first concern, deliberately choosing a challenging manner, he needed a response quickly to narrow down the reasoning.

“True. It’s not my preferred stance, sir.” Charack responded, after a moment of staring back at his captain, due to not expecting him to be there, Vilgi assumed. “But I can hold for as long as necessary, but I don’t think the ship and crew should have to, particularly if leaving becomes the more viable option.” The young andorian explained, he seemed lucid enough, and calm enough, a tremor in his voice for sure but understandable given the circumstances, after a pause he added. “As a Vulcan of my acquaintance would say. It’s only logical.”  Either an irony or humor attempt.

“That’s not funny Charnack. He probably caused this thing.” Racsahw’s comment cut the airwaves and into the conversation, the frustration, anxiety, and concern followed. “If it was, I’m gonna kill him.” She finished pointedly.

“You’ll do no such thing. The matter is in hand Lieutenant.” Vilgi stated, straightening and looking in the direction of the other Andorian Lieutenant for a moment. The dropped back down as he delivered a counter to Charnack “Besides to get to the leg, we’d have to go through the suit. We’re already dealing with one decompression issue.” This was a blatant stall, but it also served another purpose: it helped keep Charnacks mind occupied and also helped ascertain how well the amputation option had been thought through.

“A standard surgical field cycles life support, it takes ninety seconds to do so and there is 50 percent bleedthrough. You’ve got two engineers on site who can amp up the field strength and take that down to twenty, twenty five.” Charnack reeled off, looking right at Vilgi, then paused and sucked in a lang and deep breath, held and began the four short out breaths. The level of problem solving, the battle to keep composure, all added to the impact of the young officer’s courage on Vilgi.

“Bridge to Morr, the Tzenkethi have crossed the border. It’s a patrolship by the configuration and available intelligence. But that’s a big ask for us.” His first officer Eviea Merrova being as concise and honest as ever. “We’ve sent probes out for decoy and monitoring purposes, and will stall as long as possible.” She added, thinking and planning on her feet as was her usual habit.

“Captain, we are there.” Charnack stated in a level, calm, if shaky voice.”

“Bridge standby.” Vilgi stated. “Very well. Baird get set up.” Directing his remarks to the lead medical person on site. “Ensign, get the field unit modified. Petty officer, I trust you brought spatial charges. Arrange them in a semi-circle, eight meter radius, two meters between each charge” He directed, the time had come to enact a withdrawal, in truth he having to agree to an amputation made him feel sick, but he remembered his personal promise. As far as it depended upon him, never lose another, particularly junior officers and enlisted.

Placing himself in front of Charnack, extended his arms and grasped the young officer’s upper arms, one hand on each. Placing one foot behind the other, in preparation to brace. “You can lean on me, Charnack, my officer. I will lock and brace. I will support you when the time comes.” He offered support, it felt so small, so little, but he was there at least, that was soothing his conscience at this time. Vilgi was experiencing it with Charnack on some level.

“Modifications complete.” The engineer reported. Causing Vilgi to loo down as the surgical unit was passed over and subsequently attached to the Andorian Lieutenants leg.

A cylindrical object, forty-five centimeter outer circumference, fifty centimeters long, with a support bar every seven point five centimeters for a total of ten bars. The control interface was attached to the outer frame, thirty centimeters square with a configurable display. The inner working section was attached top and bottom by two connecting supports, these held the laser scalpel unit and the absorption unit directly opposite, the distance between the two was variable from forty three centimeters down to one centimeter and anything in between.

“Attached and ready. Charnack, are you sure about this? Captain, are you?” Baird questioned and rightly so, his voice carried his unease and distaste. “I’m sure as hell not. I’m doing this under protest.” His statement was sincere enough to make Vilgi pause, run his options, this was the only way.

“I’m sure.” Charnack stated between breaths, his voice shaky as anything.

“The voice for me is clear. It’s not easy, but it is clear. I will log your protest.” Vilgi responded equally as firmly. “Transporter room two, energize the away team on my order, direct myself Baird and Charnack directly to sickbay.” He instructed in the open line to the ship.

“Standing by.” The voice from afar.

“Beginning. I’ve introduced a numbing agent to the local area so this will feel odd, but not painful.” Baird stated.

The blue glow of the souped up surgical field was joined by the orange of the laser scalpel beam that lanced into life. It remained still for a few moments. Then a key press cause it to begin to rotate. It sliced the suit material. A puff of escaping oxygen that was held for now within the field. The suit sounded a breach alarm. The beam continued it was a quarter of the way though now. Charnack tensed. Vilgi braced. Half way now as Vilgi looked down for a moment life support was beginning to escape the field. Three quarters away across.

“Ive got you my officer.” Vilgi offered at this point.

The beam emerged from the other side of the leg and suit.  

Suit alarms bleared.

Warning notifications sounded.

A countdown began.

“Transporter room. Energise.” Vilgi stated calmly.


  • This is a beast of a post, not saying that it is bad, but I would advice to separate it next time in smaller pieces so it is easier to read. But the story is very compelling and keeps me engaged with the suspense that hangs in it. Your character actions and their emotions really add to that suspense! I say it previously and I keep saying it, but you have a gift for creating a vivid imagery for the reader of where everything is and going on. The crew has shown courage, teamwork, and leadership throughout this mission. Great work!

    July 28, 2024
  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer

  • Charnack

    Helm (Beta Shift)/Enginering officer