Part of USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

Echoes of Emergence

Edge of Federation and Dominion Controlled Space
December 10, 2374 @09:36
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Even since the initial flurry and attacks that followed the entry of the Romulans into the war the Dominion had pulled back into Cardassia. Wars tended to do that. Periods of intense hot and cold actions.  

The Denver was assigned a remote sector along the border to patrol. The ship had been in the thick of some of the War’s most devastating actions from Tyra to Betazed. Someone in Command must have decided they needed a break.  While Rebecca was thankful for it there was still the threat of the Dominion looming over them, and she would have preferred to just get it over with. 

A sound of alarms filled the bridge. Rebecca shot out of her seat, “Report.” A cacophony of beeps emanated from ops.  Lieutenant Jowita Przybyszewska turned to face the Captain.

“Long range sensors ‘ave detected something in a nearby system, it looks like a warp explosion,” she explained.

“Captain, records show that is the Luphira System.” Cezear quickly read through the data on his screen. “According to this they were at a pre-warp technology level. “ as he turned back toward the captain. 

Rebecca turned to Cezear, “Pre-warp? Ms. Jones set course for the Luphira system. Mr. Beattie, I want a full report on that system. Ms. Przybyszewska analyze that explosion.”

“Captain, According to the latest data. The Luphirians were still using solid-state propulsion systems and a rudimentary impulse drive technology. “ Cezear added.

“I can confirm this Captain. The latest intelligence from SFI matches this also. If they were close to achieving warp drive, we would have an observation satellite in orbit. Command is keeping an extra close eye on such civilizations,” Riandri said from one of the all-purpose consoles don’t the bridge as she shook her head. “They should not have access to that level of technology.”

Rebecca nodded, “I think this deserves a look. Ms. Jones; time to the Luphira System?”

Calculations already run, Arin offered, “Warp 9? 5 hour, 21 minutes, Captain.” She the algorithm plugged in should the needs arise for change in velocity.

“Cezear,  Jowita,  get us a full report on everything Starfleet knows about these people.”

“Yes, Captain.” Jowita’s console resumed its incessant beeping as she went to work.

“Sending it to your PADD, Captain.” as he typed on his main console. 

“Riandri,  you have the bridge commander.” Rebecca retreated into her ready room leaving the crew to their orders. 

Riandri nooded as stood up and strolled to the Captain’s chair, “The Bridge is mine ma’am. I will update you when we are close to the Luphira System.”

Bridge: 15:00 hours – Luphira System….

The Denver dropped out of warp and headed for the fourth planet in the system.  It was a nondescript ball of blue, no different from countless other Class M planets all over the galaxy. 

“Captain, showing a few hundred million life signs, looks to be Post-industrial technology’” Cezear quickly begins to type and adjust his main console. “Jowita, can you confirm this on your scans? Something is not right.”

The Pole peered quizzically at her screens. “Dere is technology dat should not be dere… materials analysis, power signatures… it’s…” she turned and looked directly at the Captain. “…Cardassian,” she finished with tones of confused wonderment.

“Captain, I can confirm that. What’s more I’m reading signs and of a powered down cardassian warp core coming from a city in their northern hemisphere.”

“So a pre-warp civilization just made the leap into interstellar travel thanks to our Cardassian friends. Suggestions?”  Rebecca crossed her arms and stared at the planet below on the viewscreen.

“Captain, I don’t think its going to be that easy. Scans are showing that the explosion was on the planets surface, not in orbit.” the image on the main view screen switched to a city that is now rubble and ruins. “Looks like the explosion emeinated from this point here. Half that city is just gone.” as he typed on his console and the image zooms in. “They may have been trying to reverse engineer the cardassian warp core.”

“That complicates things doesn’t it?  They are experimenting in a technology they are not ready for, but experimenting nonetheless.  That cat is out of the bag, and we aren’t going to easily shove it back in.” Rebecca observed.  “This is were the Prime Directive is a little less clear.”

“If dis is Cardassian technology den dey are already aware of Alien civilizations in de Galaxy and like you said we cannot stop de technological contamination. But maybe we could render assistance in proper use of de technology to prevent more distasters?” Jowita suggested. “Look at it like a humanitarian mission, perhaps?”

Riandri frowned as she looked over the data coming, “I would have to agree on this. Some of their people, their leaders, scienists and most likely military,  are clearly aware of the Cardassians at least. I would assume a ship went down on the planet so they could have alot of information about the various powers.” She paused and thought back to events over five decades before when she was travelling, she had seen first hand the damage advanced technology could do in the hands of less developed races. “They will have limited experience handling the fall out of such a blast, we should render aid and whatever guidance we can.”

“Can we disguise an away team to assess the situation directly? Or should we just locate their leadership and make ourselves known?  I think we have a moral imperative mitigate the contamination one way or another.”

“For starters, let us assume a few things. They may not be smart, but they are smart enough to build a warp core. That makes this first contact, regardless of where it came from. Also, what are the chances they don’t have Cardassian bodies or even prisoners?  We need more information. Class 5 intelligence probe. Beyond that, this is purely aid. They need help.” Arin offered.

“Launch a probe.” Rebecca ordered.  “We’re operating in the blind here. Any information will be helpful.  Doctor Haigh there are likely mass casualties around the accident site. Prepare your department.”

The unamused drawl of the Doctor came over the bridge speakers. “Acknowledged.”

The probe launched and  started to scan the planet below with its specialized sensors. Data flowed into the operations station.

“It will take a moment to run de comm chatter trough de universal translator…” Jowita kept everyone updated as new information was collected and analysed in basic form. “Dere is considerable trace matter from the explosion in the atmosphere, smoke and dust from destroyed buildings, plus trace amounts of coolant compounds and non-naturally occurring substances, duranium, titanium, scans suggest dey do not commonly use dese materials. De residual warp signature is Cardassian, but dere are some small differences. Materials analysis near ground zero suggests remnants of a Cardassian ship, but de blast has thrown wreckage for miles, we will probably never know what type. Dere is no discernable damage to subspace. Analysis of the blast zone based on population density of de rest of de city and de radius, casualty assessment is running into de tens of thousands. Com chatter…” Jowita waited a moment for the computer to finish, “…suggests de hospitals are overwhelmed, de city has declared a state of emergency. Dere are no satellites in orbit dat would obviously be able to detect us Captain, dey are all pre-warp and mostly for planetary communication.”

Rebecca tapped her chin and then with decision, “Ms. Nalam assemble an away team.  Get with the doctor and organize medical relief. Ms. Przybyszewska, see if you can locate where their leader is. It appears it’s time for first contact. Collins alert the tactical recon team. I want them stuck to the away team like glue. Last thing we need is to lose people in a humanitarian mission.”

“It will take a few moments for de computer to store and parse de comms data,” Jowita said, her attention on her console. “I will let you know when we have a location.”

Rebecca gave the ops officer a curt nod, “Thank you.”

Riandri stood and nodded to the captain, “Right away; Collins and Beattie, you’re with me. I will let the good doctor know what is needed.”

“Aye.” Collins rushed out to grab his gear before they left. Jowita spoke up from her console.”Captain, we have a probable location on de leader, but only within a few miles. It is close to ground zero in what appears to be de Capital, called Delos.

Rebecca nodded, “Very well.  Why don’t you accompany the away team. There’s likely to be a need for someone with a more technical mindset.”

“Aye aye, Captain.” Jowita stood quickly and departed the bridge, smiling to Lieutenant T’Leya who took over the station as she left. She hadn’t been anticipating this order, an opportunity for an away-mission was always an exciting diversion from ship operations.

Riandri made her way to the turbo lift and tapped her combadge; “Commander Nalam to Doctor Haigh. We have a medical emergency and need to pull together humanitarian relief can you get your team ready?”

Lavender had been monitoring bridge activity and comms since the explosion was detected from her office in Sickbay. She was expecting such a request and had prepared as much as she could, although the scale of the problem was going to be overwhelming. Sickbay staff buzzed around preparing in the rooms outside.

“It’ll be a drop in the ocean,” she replied to the X.O. “but we’ll do what we can.”

Riandri sighed understanding the truth in that statement before she responded, “Very true, but for those whom it helps will mean the world; or the ocean in a drop if I continue the metaphor. Do what you can Doctor. We will be beaming down from transporter room 1 in 20 minutes.”

In her office Lavender sighed as she stood from her desk.

“See you there, sickbay out.”

Riandri tapped her com badge off just as the lift came to a stop, stepping off she made her way to her office to grab a couple of quick items she thought may be of use before making her way to transporter room 1. She arrived to find herself alone with only a couple of minutes to spare before the scheduled departure time. “Early bird gets the worm I guess,” she muttered to herself as the door opened behind her. Lavender swept into the room, phaser on her belt and a med-pack slung over her shoulder.

“My team is preparing,” she explained, without offering a greeting. “Hopefully we can co-ordinate with whoever’s in charge down there and send them where they can do most good.”

Riandri smiled at that, “Agreed, this will be delicate though as it is also a first contact situation. We know they have had some interactions with the Cardassians but not sure to what extent. Could have been a crashed ship for all we know or a rogue faction. We need to tread carefully.”

“Fortunately your Doctor is known for her tact and diplomacy so you’ll be just fine,” Lavender observed, wryly.

Riandri smirked as she glanced at the doctor, “I am sure it will be.”

Collins arrived in the transporter room, carrying what gear and weapons he thought he would need.

Riandri nodded towards Collins, “Got everything you need? We aren’t going to war but then again who knows what we will find. Is the Tactical Team ready?”

“One should always be prepared when going into a potently hostile situation.” Collins paused. “The Tac Team is ready.”

Lt. Przybyszewska entered the transporter room, a phaser clipped to her uniform.

“Captain asked me to join,” she explained.

“Great, I think that is everyone for now but I expect we will have the rest of the medical team and possibly additional security joining us shortly,” Riandri said as her expression became serious. “We have identified their front-line field hospital and will beam down there, hopefully with the go-ahead from their leadership. I am hopeful that the offer of assistance will not result in a hostile reaction but if it does be ready and we will beam out right away.”

She looked at each of them for a moment, “Any final questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

A few moments later her combadge chimed and Commander Jeter’s voice came over the com, “Nalam, you have been given permission to land but the information may take time to trickle down so be careful. They are going to be on edge.”

Riandri nodded in silent understanding before responding, “Thanks for the confirmation. We are beaming down now. Nalam out.”

She turned back to the other, “Everyone on the pad, let’s go.”