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USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

First contact is never easy.

Mission Description

In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, the USS Denver cruises through the stars on a routine patrol mission, its advanced sensors attuned to the rhythms of space. Yet, amid the serenity of the cosmos, an unexpected disruption registers on their long-range sensors—a cataclysmic warp explosion, a celestial tempest of staggering proportions. The crew’s mission takes an unforeseen and perilous turn as they chart a course to a remote and enigmatic world within the Luphirian star system—a race whose wolf-like visage hints at an extraordinary connection with nature.

Upon reaching the Luphirian world, the Denver’s crew is greeted by a disconcerting scene—a landscape marred by the remnants of a once-thriving Luphirian laboratory, now reduced to smoldering ruins. Amid the devastation, a perplexing enigma unfolds—the Luphirians’ relentless pursuit of warp technology, an audacious endeavor that defies the very boundaries of their non-warp-capable society.

About the Mission

USS Denver
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

18 July 2024

Duct Tape and Bailing Wire

USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora's Warp

Aoife hobbled into engineering, having just escaped the clutches of Doctor Haigh. Her chest hurt like hell and she felt queasy, but with the Denver down a Chief Engineer since Berkeley moved on to greener pastures, there was no luxury for the assistant chief to heal, bullet wound or not. “Leave [...]

18 July 2024

Side stepping a Coup d'état

USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora's Warp

The control tower was bustling with activity as the two fighter-bombers touched down following their strike on the prison compound and the aliens attempting to break the prisoners out. Though he hated launching an attack on his own people his orders indicated that the Cardassians, as they called [...]

16 July 2024

A Day Late and a Pint (or two) Short

USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora's Warp

USS Castanaga – shuttlecraft cockpit    It had been two days since Farl had left his home on Earth. He’d only put in for a transfer barely a week ago, yet here he was, on his way. He’d expected much more time to get his affairs in order: a week for personnel to consider his request, [...]

9 July 2024

Drastic Aftermaths

USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora's Warp

Ming passed through the doors of sickbay.  There was a new CMO in these parts who he’d briefly met and he found her intriguing.  He knew of the Goth culture which was founded somewhere in the mid to late 20th century, as he understood it, and he’d only met a few that could be [...]