Part of USS Eagle: Mission 3 – Intelligence Acquisitions

And So it Begins

USS Eagle
March 2401
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“Greetings, Captain Kirby.  It isn’t everyday we’re visited by Starfleet.  What can I do for you?” said Klunt.

“I’d like to meet with you privately to discuss something,” said Kirby.

“This is a secure channel and my time is valuable.  We can talk now,” said Klunt.

“It is secure, sir,” said Hok through Kirby’s earpiece.  “Klunt doesn’t want to risk anyone else hearing what you have to say.”

“Getting right to it since time is important, Starfleet knows you have star charts of Breen ship deployments along our border,” said Kirby.  “I’m here to acquire them.”

“It seems I might need to reassess my security staff,” said Klunt.  “It’s disappointing you came all this way, but the charts aren’t for sale.”

“Rule of Acquisition 98, Every man has his price,” said Kirby.

Klunt chuckled.  “I’m willing to bet that’s the only rule you know.”

“I may surprise you,” said Kirby.  “Perhaps you should eat something before we begin negotiations.”

Klunt laughed.  “Good one, Captain, but the answer is still no.”

“I’ll throw you a bone, Daimon, but the skirmishes in the Deneb sector where the Breen are using old Jem’Hadar ships isn’t what’s actually happening.  The ships are twenty-five years old, but the attacks are by the Jem’Hadar.  The Dominion is back.”

Matt suspected a man like Klunt didn’t surprise easily, so the shock on his face told Matt that Klunt truly didn’t know.  The Daimon quickly recovered.

“I need to confirm this for myself.”

“Why would I lie about something like that?”

“Everyone lies about something when it’s to their gain,” said Klunt.

Hok quoted another rule.

“Daimon, only a fool passes up a business opportunity.  Rule 110,” said Kirby.

“All right, I’ll give you a chance to win me over, but not now,” said Klunt.  “I have other matters that need my attention.  I’ll call you.”


The screen shifted back to an image of the Lappa moon.

“He closed the connection, sir,” said Iziraa.

Matt swore under his breath.  “Now what, Hok?”

The door to the observation lounge opened and Hok stepped onto the bridge.  “I believe you won round one, sir.”

“I won?  How?”

Klunt wasn’t going to negotiate with you, but by besting him with our rules of acquisition, you left him no choice.  He’ll talk with you again, but you still need to make him want to give us the charts.”

“When will he call?”

Hok shrugged.  “It depends on what needs his attention.  Of course, that could be a ploy.  Make you wait.  You get impatient.  He beats you on any deal you make.”

“Sir, we can always go with my plan,” said Iziraa.

“We’re not kidnapping an influential Daimon, Lieutenant.”

“Just saying, sir,” said Iziraa.

“And I appreciate your perspective.”  Matt wouldn’t admit it, but if things went sour, that was something he would consider, though were having the charts worth creating a huge diplomatic incident with a neighboring power?  Maybe.  “I’ll be in my ready room.  Get me immediately if Klunt calls back.”



  • You have done an artful job with Klunt. The dialog flowed naturally and believably, in the spirit of the Ferengi, and it was a nice touch layering in the Rules of Acquisition as you did. The after-action dialog was also a nice touch to make sure we understood the exchange as we were meant to. I had scored it a win as I read it, but I had not considered that the hang up could be a simple negotiation tactic to get a better price, so it was a helpful addition.

    May 29, 2023