Part of USS Themis: Order To Choas and USS Odyssey: Order To Chaos

Order To Chaos – 14 – Part III

USS Themis (NCC-76554), System VDQ-505, Gradin Belt
Stardate: 78002.04
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“We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile!”

“Incoming message from the Odyssey,” Commander Tremt Hunsen announced. “They want the wing of fighters launched at once.”

“Launch the Justice Expeditionary Wing, T’Rani,” Cambil ordered her chief flight control officer. 

The Vulcan pilot nodded as she sent the message to shuttle bay one for every fighter to launch. “All fighters launched, ma’am,” she said after a second.

“Good, tell them to standby for further orders,” Cambil ordered as she stood up from her chair. “Cline, are the Borg doing anything else?” She asked her tactical officer behind her.

Lenjir shook his head. “No, I’m not seeing anything that would indicate they’re preparing to attack us, captain. I’m trying to see if they have any other smaller craft but I’m not seeing anything that assembles a space-worthy craft.”

“With that amount of damage sustained to their ship when it crashed onto that planet, I’m surprised any of them survived,” Hunsen said as he looked at the reading from his own console. “I’d say that vessel was definitely a tactical cube, which begs why would they establish a shielding system and not attempt to build at least one weapon?”

“They’re tapping into the planet’s core to generate power,” announced Lieutenant Jines at operations.

“Elaborate, Decter. What do you mean?” Cambil asked as she walked over to peer over his shoulder.

Pointing to the scans of the planet he was taking, he showed her the tunnels the Borg had made and how they had somehow been using geothermal energy to power their shields. “Now that’s the collective we’ve all read about, being efficient and resourceful but Cline’s question still remains valid. Any other clues?” 

  Abbej then shared what she was seeing at the science station. “Though the planet is M-class, the atmosphere is barely there. I think the shield is acting in more than just one capacity. I think it is also keeping the atmosphere they’ve established.”

“But Borg can survive out in the coldness of space, their exoskeletons, personal force fields and link to the Hive Mind allow it,” Hunsen stated.

“What if they don’t have one or two of those things?” Abbej questioned. 

Cambil then looked back at the viewscreen, “Then they would need a powerful shield to protect themselves from the vacuum of space if there is barely an atmosphere present.”