Part of USS Mercy: Mission 2 – “Into the Breach”

What to Do

8/31/2400, 1640 Hours
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Iairaa was taking deep beaths, trying to calm the fear filling her. Murphy had run into a burning building, so she was deciding if she should go after him. It was obvious he wanted to end his life, but she felt she should at least try to save him. While precious seconds raced past, a conversation from Starbase Bravo came bak to her. She didn’t know why she thought of Gren….

Starbase Bravo

While on rounds on one of the starbase promenade decks, Iziraa sawsomeone waving at her. Stopping, she saw Gren in his kiosk, his arms infrantic motion, like the antennae movements of an Andorian in battle.Sighing, she meandered through the crowd to see what her Ferengi friendwanted.

“What is it now?”

Gren was taken aback, his eyes agape and his posture defensive.

“Whoa! What happened to you?”

“I have better things to do today than jibber-jabber with you.”

Gren frowned. “It’s a good thing I don’t get offended. What’s going on?”

Iziraa sighed. “I’m sorry. I have something on my mind.”

“I guess. I saw you go around the promenade five times without dropping by to see your old pal.”

Iziraa leaned against the kiosk, her gaze seemed to be looking atsomething faraway and unseen.

“Well?” said Gren.

“I miss home.” Iziraa’s antennae drooped.

“Oh.” Gren understood. “Did something happen?”

Iziraa looked at Gren. He got the impression she didn’t want to talk about it.

“You can tell me.” Gren learned long ago the value of information, butknowing Iziraa three years, he often didn’t look to her as a source, but truly as a friend. Of course, he would never admit that to anyone.

“I just got word from home that my brother was betrothed. The shelthrethceremony hasn’t been scheduled yet, but I wasn’t there for theannouncement.”

“I get it, but the ceremony is the important part. I’m sure you can get time away to be there.”

“It just made me think of home.” Iziraa got that faraway look again. “It’s been two years since I’ve been to Andoria. A person shouldn’t be awaythat long.”

“Tell me about home,” said Gren.

Iziraa studied Gren, contemplation swirling in her green eyes.

“Family and friends, of course. In past times, to survive the harsh conditions, our society became based on clans. We’re very close and social, so I miss them.”

Gren nodded.

“There’s also the cold. The indoor climate of the base can get too warm.Sometimes I want to rip off my clothes and run naked through thepromenade.”

Iziraa must have seen the shocked expression on Gren’s face, as she burst out laughing.

“That would definitely make a lot of people’s day,” said Gren with achuckle.

“I wouldn’t need to worry about getting leave time. They would probably boot me out of Starfleet.” Iziraa paused. “When I get holodeck time, I run a program of home. I ski, ice skate, snow board. I even make snow angels, something I learned on Earth, but it’s not the same.”

“Nothing is the same as home,” said Gren.

The two shared a quiet moment of nostalgia.

“How about you, Gren? What do you miss?”

“Tube grubs.”


“I can’t get live tube grubs, only replicated. I’ve got to have them shipped in.”

“That’s what you miss?”

“There’s the rain and the swamps. Growing up, my friends and I had a lotof fun playing in the rivers of muck. The good old days.” Gren smiled.

Iziraa rolled her eyes. “I suppose home is home, wherever that is.”

“You know, you can always take a trip with me to Ferenginar. You couldrun around naked there and you’d fit right in.”

Iziraa drummed her fingers on the kiosk. Her antennae were pointing atGren.

“Or maybe not. With all the reforms, most females are wearing clothesnow anyway.”

Iziraa smirked. “Thanks for chatting with me. I’m still homesick, but I feelbetter.”

“Glad I could help. I’ll waive my fee, just for today.”

Iziraa scoffed, patting the back of Gren’s hand. “I need to get back towork.” With a wave, she went on her way.

Gren watched the cute Andorian as she melted into the crowd, wonderingjust how much of a disturbance it would cause if she actually did runaround without clothes.


Focusing back on the fire, Iziraa took a deep breath and moved towards the building.


  • I really enjoy these insights into Iziraa's character. The use of the flashback was really nice!

    January 11, 2023