Part of USS Damascus: M1: Just A Gentle Touch and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

19) Hold on! We are here!

USS Damascus - Bridge
November 2400
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The ship had endured the worst-case scenario. To avoid combat at all costs was off the table. The warnings of Starbase 38 were lost after the first explosion had reached Damascus. Sparks were flying off the engine, and parts of the ripped open hull as the Capital of Syria flew through the asteroid field and avoided most of the spacial anomalous. Their target was the severely damaged transport ship that was the original bait of the Devore.

“Status report” Silina calmly sat in the Captain’s chair. A lot had happened in the last few hours, and she had to keep a specific image to the crew to keep them going. But in the back of her mind, she was not even on the bridge. She was at the bedside of Sazra, who had sustained a lot of damage from her connection to the entity. She still didn’t understand how it was possible that such a connection could happen. 

“The ship shields are up to 45% thanks to the brilliant work of Valerio’s engineers” Rami pointed out. “Weapons are still dodgy at best. Phasers work but not at total capacity. We still sustained damage to our torpedo tubes after that last fight. We got only one operational” Rami shrugged a bit. “Security is doing its best to secure various decks, I am getting them up to speed with Devore invading tactics from what we have learned so far from the fleet” 

“Speaking about the fleet, we have not heard anything from them yet, right?” Silina blinked, looking at Adrián to get her question answered.

Pushing a bit on the console as Adrián leans on it and exhales a breath of air “Communication on long-range is messed up. We are holding out on short-range communication. It was the very thing that we were able to get that communication going with that Devore ship.” Adrián would think for a second and wonder if the crystalline entity was involved in the damage portion of that part of the ship. 

“Forrrmerrr Devorrre ship, it is now space dust” K’Nala spoke up, trying to navigate slowly through the minefield of pain and agony. 

Silina gave away a small smile to K’Nala and just gave a nod of approval. “What is the repair status, Commander?” 

Adrián smirked at the Caitian remarks and nodded to Silina’s question, “The ship is in bad shape. I am not going to walk around the problem for this one. We have taken a beating from the earlier explosions, the impact, and the large crystalline entity that tried to devour us” He counted the issues up with his fingers. “But the power grid is getting back into shape, and we get a full 80% back to its original status. Because the left engine is busted up but a certain impact, I can’t give promises to full warp capacity. So advisable would be warp 6 and if we are pulling that bad boy…warp 4” He pointed at the transport ship on the screen that they were closing in on. 

“I take it” Silina confirmed the suggestion of Adrián and looked at the screen. Now it got more evident the severe damage the ship was taken. “What is the status of the tractor beam? Can we travel at warp with that on?” 

“The tractor beam is fixed and operational.” Adrián shrugged, looking at the transport ship. “But I want to make a few scans of that” He referred to the transport ship “Because I have the idea that the ship is not going anywhere in that current condition”

Looking at the screen also “Apprrroaching the trrransport ship Red Lunarrr”  K’Nala spoke as her eyes were locked on the damaged ship “I do have to agrrree with the Commanderrr. If we pull this ship out, I think therrree is nothing left to be pulled” 

She tapped on the side of the chair as her eyes scanned the ship in front of them. “What is the ship’s status?” Silina finally asked for an update on it. 

“Initial scans are giving out that their engines are out of order. These boys are not going to be fixed here” Adrián pointed out as an additional scan report came up on the edge of the screen. It showed details of the Red Lunar “As you can see, the ship has sustained significant damage to its cargo areas, the bridge is collapsed, and the engines are partly torn off” 

“Survivors?” Silina continued.

Rami followed up “From our original scans. We detected 120 lives. But after the crystalline entity did its work on it. I can only register 71 lives on that ship. Their life-support is getting dangerously low” Rami looked at Adrián who looked back at him. “We could try to beam them all over. Damascus can house 120 extra souls. I can have security help relocate them, and we could potentially house the decease in the cargo bay?” 

Rubbing her forward head as she placed her hands on her eyes while leaning forward. It took Silina a second to look up from her hands. “Alright, communication with the ship is impossible, right?” 

“The communication system has been destroyed on that ship. Even morse code will not reach them” Adrián shrugged as he enlarged the damaged area where the communication system was supposed to be. “The idea is plausible, but we have to keep in mind that if we meet those Devores again, we will have a serious problem and can’t help those that we are about to rescue” 

She nods to the conclusion of what her senior staff has to say. “Lieutenant Shew get a security team ready at the transport rooms. These people will be confused and scared when arriving. Ensign Drata takes over the engineering console. I want you to coordinate the transportation efforts and get everyone over. Even those deceased” Silina looked at Adrián. “Get those areas ready for survivors. When any of you meet their Captain or the most senior staff, send them to the bridge” 

“Understood. I will have a security team with the senior staff. Just in case we are dealing with another deception of trying to take over our ship” Rami walked to the turbolift and waited for Adrián to follow, keeping the door open. 

Adrián gave the nod and patted Drata on his shoulder. “Keep me updated, Ensign. I will get the areas fixed up for these survivors. Commander” He gave a nod to Silina and entered the turbolift as it closes behind him. There was a lot of work going to happen.

A few hours later

The transportation was going well and Silina did her best to moderate the area to see if any other ships were entering the grid. But with the long-range scanners still out, it was difficult to see what was going on at the edge of the grid or beyond.

“Commander, we have located the senior staff of the Red Lunar, and it is being brought up” Drata confirmed. “We are at 75% of the transporting” The Bolian ensign pointed out.

“Good work, keep it up,” Silina complimented him, as it was an excellent motivational boost for anyone.

Moments later, the door opens up of the turbolift. The security team stepped out followed by a Cardassian in civilian clothing. He looked pretty beaten up and met with the eyes of Silina. “Welcome to Damascus. My name is Commander Ruslanovna. I am the ship’s Executive Officer. I am sorry to have forced you to site-to-site transportation. But seeing the communications were down, and your ship life-support is damaged, we needed to put it into action” 

The man nodded “Shosa Irot, the Red Lunar’s First Mate. The sole survivor of the bridge crew” He shrugged as it was still painful to mention, “I was at the passengers when the monster attacked us and destroyed the bridge. My Captain died while trying to get in contact with your ship to warn you of the dangers. But somehow you guys survived” He looked around, a bit puzzled and seeing the damage that the bridge had received, “I thank you for the transportation and saving my people from this disaster” 

Silina had already stood up to face the man “That is what we are here for. The transportation is almost done and we shall be returning to Markonian Outpost. Our medical staff will take a look at your wounded and treat anyone that requires it” 

“I would appreciate it if you could transport our deceased as well” Shosa replied with another shrugged followed.

Raising her hand, “We already did so. They are stored in one of our cargo bays. The nurses are taking proper care of them right now.” Silina tried to reassure Shosa. “If you wish anyone to overview our work on the bodies, do tell, and I will order the nurses to wait until that person has arrived” 

He shook his head. “That is perfectly okay with me. Most of them are crew members of the ship.  Giving them the peace they deserve is their final wish” Shosa felt more relieved to know that his fellow members were given proper treatment. “If I might be so rude, where is your Captain? Is she …” 

“No, she is not death” Silina gave a soft smile. “She received many injuries during our arrival and is now under treatment by our ship’s doctor.”

“Commander, the Red Lunar transportation operation is complete. All members are now on the Damascus” Drata confirmed, looking at the Commander, who nodded back at him. 

“Thank you” Silina looked back at Shosa “Please report to our sickbay and see that you receive a full checkup. You have experienced a lot, and you deserve some rest” Shosa gave the nod to Silina as she sat back down in the chair “Ensign K’Nala, get us out of here” 

“Thank you again, Commander” Shosa nods to the other security officers that led him off the bridge. The Damascus turns slowly around to slowly navigate out. Was this mission going to be over? Will they reach the outpost safely? Those were the burning questions that hunted the crew. 




  • You're ramping up the tension again with this one. The crew survived the Devore and the crystalline entity, but you've done an effective job of reminding us of the stakes. Even since Damascus arrived in the system, the Red Lunar crew have lost more of their own, making it all the more important that the Damascus complete their rescue operations. I most enjoyed the wistfulness of Silina. Here she is in command, rescuing all of these people, and all she can hope for is sitting by Sazra's biobedside. Sweet.

    November 22, 2022