Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

16 – The Inspector

USS Mackenzie
11.2.2400 @ 1045
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Sadie Fowler nervously tapped on the non-control surface of her console.  She’d been tasked to work through the files that Harris Transport had included on the ships, the cousins, the sister, and the crew.  They had completed the first three items on the review checklist.  The computer loaded up the two ships’ crew manifests, and she began to check each item that was attached to a name- an unusually deep psychological profile, a background check that would make Starfleet security proud, and a complete history of the individual from birth to just a month ago when things had gone so wrong.  One of her science officers handed her a refilled cup of coffee, and she eagerly took a drink.  She started with the crew that was still out there somewhere in the space that belonged to the Devore Imperium.  Her eyes read each sentence three times – she’d learned at a young age she could commit most things to long-term memory by just reading something three times.  It had been a fun talent as a child, an asset in school, and an edge in the Academy.  It helped temper her fear and anxiety as a newly minted senior officer.  She read one line three times and stopped.  She read it for the fourth time; ‘Crewmember Koren’s grandmother was Betazoid.’

She recognized her error in the order of her investigation and asked the computer to list out the species of the crew on the second shuttle.  She gasped, earning a turn in the chair from her CO.  Fowler read it three times to be sure, and she turned to meet her captain’s curious gaze.  “Sir, I’m working through the manifest reports for the second shuttle.  According to the records sent to us, there are two full Betazoids, One-half Betazoid/Human, and three Vulcans.  There’s also one whose grandmother was Betazoid.  So…seven of the 20 would fall under the guidelines of the Devore Imperium as qualifying as detainable and imprisonable.”

Harris left his chair and stood over her should, reading the names and ages of those that the science chief had found.  “Secure this file and encrypt it for senior staff only.”  He glanced at Okada, “You have to wonder why the Devore let our team through.  Do they know what we know…or are they thinking we’ll draw the prey out the farther we travel into the shadowy sector?”

Okada wasn’t sure, “The Voyager mission files suggest a highly intelligent species.  It has been around 25 years since we’ve had reasonable and actionable intel from the area.  They may have adjusted and adapted their process to us.  To what end, I haven’t a clue.  It’s probably bad, but I’m basing that solely on what quadrant we’re in and nothing else.

Light laughter broke out across the bridge, and Harris didn’t correct her.  The tension would need breaking every so often.  A beep pinged off Ensign Atega’s station, “We’re being hailed by the Devore Imperium ships at the border, sir.”

The CO glanced at Cardamon, “Last chance to keep out of sight.”  The Voth shook his head firmly and stared straight ahead at the viewscreen.  “Ensign, on screen.”

The screen filled a Devore in the center, his command center behind him,  =^=This is Inspector Jasev.  You are within distance of the border of the Devore Imperium.  State your intentions.=^=

Harris fought the urge to frown and lost.  He thought for a moment about his words, at least, before he said them, “This is Captain Ambrose Harris of the Federation Starship Mackenzie.  We’re waiting for our runabout’s mission to find two missing ships to be completed.”

The figure on the screen had centered on Cardamon, his eyes staring at the Voth.  =^=Explain why you have a…Voth among your crew, Captain.”

Ambrose wanted to tell the Inspector to shut the hell up, and he wasn’t the boss of him or his ship.  But wants and needs are two different things for a Starfleet captain alone in the Delta Quadrant.  “He is a guest of this ship and the Federation.”  The questions were perfunctory.  He was waiting for them to become offensive.   He didn’t have to wait long.

=^=You are aware of our requirement that you disclose if your crew has telepaths and telepath-capable species aboard your starship.=^=

He noticed Cardamon shift in his seat, claws slowly gripping the edges of his seat.  “I am aware of the requirement and various policies you have regarding transit into and through the space of the Devore Imperium.  We are not in Devore space at this time, Inspector.”

The inspector stood a little taller on the screen. = ^=You are refusing to disclose your ship’s manifest of telepaths?=^=

The frown was now a furrowed brow.  The Devore’s obsession with telepaths didn’t sit well with anyone, and this new wrinkle was starting to feel like a fishing expedition, just not with hooks and lures.  There was the unstated threat of powered weapons in the mix.  Harris tried once more, “If we transit your space, we would submit to a manifest inspection and a discussion regarding your query about the possibility of a specific type of species onboard the Mackenzie.”

The Devore Inspector turned to speak with someone, and Harris muted the channel from his console on his chair, swinging to the bridge crew, “What the hell is going on here?  Why they’re trying to spook us?”

Atega was working on her console, “I can confirm they are in communication with at least two other Devore ships…possibly more.  Communications traffic has picked up considerably since we started talking.”

Fowler contemplated, “When you want someone to step back, you make them uncomfortable.  If you know they don’t want to fight, you push them as far back as you can so they can’t see whatever it is you’re hiding…or doing.”  She pointed at the readings on the Winona, “She’s made it to course waypoint four of twenty.  The farther away she is, the longer it takes us to get to her.”  She took a sip of her coffee and winced.  It had gone cold.  She went for a refill.  Her headache from the jarring morning wakeup was fading away, thankfully.

Harris glanced at the screen showing the runabout’s progress and then back to the screen.  The Devore Inspector was back in the center of the screen, staring.  The CO motioned to Atega to unmute.  The alien spoke first; =^=You are required to give additional space between you and the Devore Imperium.  We have transmitted the location you must relocate to at this time.=^=

Ambrose glanced at Fowler’s station and raised his eyebrows, “This puts us much farther away from our runabout in case of emergency.”

=^=It is not an option, Captain.  You must comply.  The Devore Imperium grows tired of Starfleet’s belief they can go anywhere and do anything.  Your runabout has six hours to complete its mission and flight plan.  They will be instructed to leave Imperium space at that time.=^=

“If we do not comply?”

=^=Your runabout will be seized, the crew imprisoned and charged with various crimes of varying natures.  You will never see them again.=^=

Harris knew what he wanted to say.  Yet he also knew what he needed to say.   “We will withdraw to the waypoint you suggested.  Thank you for your time, Inspector.”  The Devore moved to speak, but the CO gave the nod to Atega, who closed the channel.  “Helm lay in a course and engage.”  The Mackenzie shuddered into action as the bridge crew looked to their captain as he resolved, “That was our only compromise.  The Devore Imperium has drawn the line.  Ops – I need the shuttle bay rigged and prepared for an emergency landing and a crew on standby at all times.  Okada – get with the transporter team – we need a plan if we can only get them off the runabout and fly like the wind.  The rest of us – I’ll take any ideas and suggestions on how we resolve this or prepare for whatever the Devore have planned.”

A science held before each of them turned to their stations and began to plan for whatever came next.


  • We've just received word from the USS Mackenzie. They've engaged the Devore. Throughout Blood Dilithium and especially Wayward Sons, the Devore Imperium have cast a long shadow over the stories thus far. Although they made a deadly play against the Mackenzie already, the arrival of Inspector Jasev comes with all of the menace and fastidiousness we've come to expect from this threat. Ambrose stood his ground well without antagonizing them, and I love the introduction of the class Trek ticking time clock to put some pressure onto proceedings. The interconnectedness of the Devore, the comms signals behind the scenes, adds another texture of under-the-surface menace. I'm thrilled to see what an out-and-out conflict would look like between the Inspector and Harris.

    November 6, 2022