Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

3 – Something is Out There

USS Mackenzie
11.1.2400 @ 1100
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“According to the records, they went away from the known planets.”  Chief Science Officer Fowler was at her station running through the data the outpost had provided them.  Captain Harris stood on one side and XO Katsumi on the other.

The CO spoke first, “So they went towards the Devore Imperium.”

She tapped the console, “They could have stopped anywhere between here and there - we have no survey information or map information about what is out there - just second and third-hand reports from the outpost's files they shared with us."

Ambrose turned and leaned on the railing, Okada joining him as he considered their next move.  “We're going to have to get out there to see what's there…and what's not, sir.”

He turned to her, “I wish they'd gone the other way.  I wish they'd been smart enough to go the safest route.  If for no other reason than my sister.”  He lightly pounded on the wood for emphasis, “But we don't get our wishes granted this time around, do we, Commander?”  She shook her head and returned to her station while he remained leaning on the railing.  

Ensign Atega spoke up from her console, “Sir, someone is at the docking area requesting to speak to you, Captain.”  She pressed the earpiece in as she asked for clarification and sat back in amusement as the name reached her ears, “Sir, it's Cardamon.”

Harris shared her amused expression, “I'll head down to the docking area.  Let 'em know to grant him access.  Have security gently hold him until I arrive.”

Docking Area - 1115

The reptilian alien stood, his hands and claws grasped nervously as he looked back and forth to the two security officers who were holding vigil over him.  He glanced up when the door opened, “Captain Harris!” he shouted as he composed himself and gave a bow.

The CO gave him a return bow, “Cardamon.  What can I do for you?”

The elder alien glanced at both security officers and then spoke, “I…mmm.  I would like to….” Harris nodded to the two to step down the hall as he moved to stand closer to Cardamon, who was doing his best to control his breathing, “I would…like to offer my services as a guide to the Delta Quadrant.”

“You have a shop on the outpost.”

“Yes.  I do.”  He found a chair in the docking area and sat down, his eyes darting across the room.  “I'm a man without a home, Captain.  My people long ago disowned me.  I was too kind.  Too…friendly.  I didn't have the edge they had in combat.  I didn't know how to fight…or have a desire.  I was weak, they said.”  He shook his head, “I didn't care - I found the outpost and started my business.  It grew, and I managed to have a life on the station away from the trouble of my home.  And far away from the rest of the quadrant.  Every time I looked for somewhere to go, there was always something there that echoed the darkness I had fled.  So I remained here.”  He looked up and met the eyes of Harris, “I know it is a lot to ask…but I want to add an additional request of you - I would like to travel to where you come from - I've read what I can about your Federation.  It sounds…it sounds like where I belong.”

Ambrose looked at him for a long moment, wondering what had just happened.  Had he managed to have first contact with a species and then be asked to grant asylum in the next breath?  Navigating this was unusual, and it was made complicated by the time and distance they had from the Federation.  He sighed and sat in the chair next to Cardamon, “You'll have to go through a background check…however that looks out here.  We'll ask for your file from the outpost…you'll have to have a medical exam.  We'll need to interview you and ask you some questions.”  He looked the reptilian in the eyes, “Your sure this is what you want?”

Cardamon nodded quietly, his eyes staying on Harris, “I have lived a hundred years, Captain Harris.  I've never been outside my homeworld or this outpost.  I want my final years to be spent doing…something to help others.”  His eyes brightened, “I'm good at helping.”  A chuckle came from his chest that sounded more like a cough to Harris, “My people are not traditionally helpers.  They would be very unhappy with me right now.”

Ambrose stood, “OK.  We'll need to clear you through the Outpost Operations.  I'll have our Chief Counselor give you an interview.  Doctor Reid will come by to do a physical.  My executive officer will probably want to talk to you.”  He motioned the two security officers to return, “I'm going to grant you guest quarters.  Once we get the procedures sorted, we can talk about giving you escort privileges to move around the ship in a limited fashion.  For now…these two will help you find where you're going to stay.  Give them anything you need or need picked up from your shop…we'll get it sorted.”

Cardamon gave him an excited bow, “Thank you, Captain Harris.”  He shook with joy as he followed the two security officers, talking energetically about everything and anything.  

Ambrose hoped Cardamon would be able to guide them in their search.  They had a month and the clock was ticking.


  • Why do I suddenly get a Neelix vibe from Cardamon? Must be because just like in Voyager an alien offers to help a Starfleet crew by becoming their guide. I sure do hope that he lives to make it back to the Alpha Quadrant. He is going to be a character that I keep my eyes on. Well done once again in keeping me intrigued. I look forward to seeing Cardamon's growth as a character.

    November 2, 2022
  • Cardamon sounds like exactly the kind of guy that would be welcomed with open arms in the Federation! It speaks to his personality that he would want to do something to help out Harris and the Mackenzie crew before feeling comfortable moving there. Of course, this makes me fear greatly for his safety as someone self-described as "too nice" for the Delta Quadrant! A fruitful stopover at the Markonian Outpost for the Mackenzie, nonetheless.

    November 2, 2022
  • The way that Harris is struggling to find out what happened to his younger sister is well-placed in showing the emotions that is vibing from this post! I do have to say that the sudden flip of Cardamon offering service is something I didn't expect, Harris does asked a valid question that he has a shop to take care off. Is he truly friendly, or does Cardamon have a hidden agenda?

    November 2, 2022
  • Catching up on your writing and I’ve already grown to like Cardamon in only the short time he’s had. Here’s hoping it’s not at all a deception as the honest and forthrightness of Cardamon is nice. He’s very well written and I can hear the almost pleading as he explains his situation. Nicely done!

    November 7, 2022