Part of USS Jaxartes: Double-edge Knife

The plan

FSW-Vishatha - Guest Area
September 2400
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“How long are they going to make us wait here? Why are we not allowed on the bridge? Are we even on our way to finding our Captain?” Adrián walked nervously through the room with his hands behind his back while waiting for something to happen. They had been in the room for a few hours now waiting for something to happen. The Vishatha had already jumped to warp and entered the IRF space without a problem within its cloak.

Rami looked up from his chair. “What do you expect? Come on in and have a look at our bridge. While we are at it, we do a ship tour? Keep in mind that we are now being monitored and that the Free States have close ties to the Tal’Shiar. This behavior is normal, and to be honest….I am surprised not more species do that” Rami pointed out a fact of history “We saw all those encounters before, invite them over, do a grand ship tour and impress the visitors. I never understood that concept within Starfleet” 

At the window was Silina standing with her hands behind her back, watching the outside, “Rami does have a point. The Romulans don’t gain anything by sharing their new ship layout with us. But they do gain a lot of saving Captain Praugol from these….separatist as they called it” Silina looked over her shoulder as the door slid open.

Two guards step inside the room and take a side step as Commander Cokitha appears, “Sorry for the long delay. We have been preoccupied with the lays of these former lands” She came to a halt before them. “So the situation with your Captain is more delicate and complex than we presumed. But we found the location, and it’s on Delta Velorum” She drops a device that hovers over the ground as a hologram appears of a planet.

Everyone looked at the hologram as Adrián crossed his arms, “Well, let us get the big animal out of the room. Why is it so delicate and complex?” 

The Commander looked at her side to Adrián and then back at the hologram as she motioned her finger up when red dots appeared on the holographic image, “Because this planet is crawling with separatists of the Broken Wings. They have only a few ships in their control. The Free States intelligence dictated that it is about three ships, with one ship being heavily damaged. So we need to be careful about our approach. The other factor is the location” She made a pinch move with her finger that made zoom in. “Captain Prugal is located at the main facility….”

“Praugol” Silina leans at the window side looking at Cokitha. “Her name is Captain Sazra Praugol. Please get it correct” 

Looking back at Silina with no words for a few seconds as she took a deep breath, Cokitha continued, “Anyway, we need to get an away team set up. Enter the main facility from its side where a bombardment happened, and it still is in ruins. This is their weakness, and they don’t expect anyone to be entering from that side” The lay of the base was shown on the digital map. “We enter, get to her cell block and get Captain….Praugol out” She looked back at Silina, who smiled back at her, “Questions?”

“Lieutenant Shew, your opinion?” Silina looked at Rami who had already stood glaring at the plan.

“The plan might be a bust” He raised his hand to interject Cokitha that wanted to speak up. “The entrance is too obvious. Keep in mind that we are dealing with extreme people that, in my fair opinion expect the unexpected” Rami rubs his chin while looking at the map.

“So what is your suggestion then?” The Commander looked annoyed at him.

“Go with your plan, distract them….make a fuss at the ruins” Rami then points at another area that indicates the storage area, “Then the real team enters from here and takes anyone out. Move to the cell blocks and get our Captain out. However, experience tells us that Romulans are quite observant, and thus we need two exits” Looking at Adrián.

Adrián was already looking at the map and pointed at the generators, “That…..the amount of energy being made there should mask our exit. If the storage area is no longer an option”

“There you have it. It sounds way better, right?” Silina said, looking at the Commander, who was slightly annoyed.

“I have to admit, sounds good…we will be arriving at Delta Velorum in an hour. Get ready to save your Captain” Cokitha turned around and walked out of the room. “Because I am ready to get back to my duties already,” She mutters to herself while exiting the room.