Part of USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

Long Distance Situationship?

Shuttle enroute to the USS Canterbury and the USS Resolute
Jan, 2402
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Catriona laughed at the unexpected quip and compliment. He had a nice smile, something that instantly did away with any sense of severity he might have, not that she was scared of him. “Thank you kindly. Shall we then? Though I’m afraid I didn’t pack a wedding dress with me this time,” she drawled.

He grinned, patting his pack. “No worries, I brought mine,” he said and demolished the donut in large bites. He sighed in pleasure, his eyes closed for a moment, communing with the donut on what felt like a soul-deep level. It was heaven.

Opening his eyes, he swallowed and offered her a hand that felt huge compared to her little, dainty one. “Andrews, headed for the Resolute.”

She set her own donut down back in the box, napkin still wrapped neatly around the bottom, before shaking his offered hand. He was strong, she could tell just from the pressure, and his palms were rough from hard work, but he was surprisingly gentle which put her more at ease. Thoughseeing him thoroughly enjoy her handmade pastry like he was experiencing a transcendent revelation had her a little giddy. “Nice to meet you,” she offered with a smile. “I’m Catriona Holliday, bound for the Canterbury.”

She paused their conversation for a quick moment, quick enough for her to retrieve her big oversized carry-on and take out another box and a silver vacuum flask. No longer shy in joining him for company, she sat next to him and opened her offering which contained several squares of brownies as the scent of chocolate and caramel hit them squarely in their faces.

“Triple chocolate fudge, with hazelnut and caramel,” she said with a proud grin. “Though, I hope you’re not someone who dislikes sweets. Sadly that’s all I have, and this coffee.”

“I’d offer you mine, but all I have is water and nutrient bars,” he admitted, moving his pack out of her way. He didn’t want to get dirt on her clean uniform. “And no, I don’t dislike sweets… quite the opposite.” He selected a brownie with a murmur of thanks. “Sure I can’t persuade you to transfer to the Resolute?”

“Oh that won’t do,” she said at his mention of his own provisions, wondering if that’s all he had to subsist on until now. Realizing that, she became determined to feed this man until he was full. “Don’t worry, there’s plenty to fill your belly so please enjoy. I baked a little too much and there’s still more in my other luggage. I just wish I made something proper for a meal. Maybe some salisbury steak or lasagna.”

“Is that to further your marriage proposal, good sir?” She chuckled as she picked up her donut and took a modest bite before breaking out the coffee and taking a sip from the small metal cup. “Would you like some?”

“Coffee? Fuck yes, always.” He sat up a little straighter, realised he was looming and slouched back down. “Yes. I’m exec on the Resolute which means bigger quarters,” he added as if that would seal the deal. “I mean, it’s a tin can so bigger quarters mean something the size of a broom closet but still…”

“A man after my own heart,” she grinned as she offered him a fresh cup then sighed as if having to break to him some bad news. “Sadly, I’m afraid it’s expressly written in my commission that I must have a bed no smaller than queen-sized. If we force that in your quarters, I’m afraid it’ll just be too cramped for someone as big as you. Not to mention I have a little too much luggage. How will we ever live?”

He tsked, shaking his head. “Well damn, I really thought that would seal the deal as well. Although,” he dropped a look back to the rank on her collar again. “I highly suspect that your quarters on the Canterbury will fit mine in three times over. Department head? Let me guess…” He tilted his head. She had the easy bedside manner of medical, or maybe counselling, but the red didn’t match. There was no way she was a pilot, she just didn’t have that edge most of them did. “Strategic something? Am I right?”

“Oh my,” she said as she crossed her legs and leaned slightly back into her seat as she smiled at him. “I didn’t realize I had this impression of an expert strategist and troubleshooter. I’m flattered.” She didn’t want to keep him guessing though, especially since he was nice enough to offer the fact that he was indeed a Starfleet officer and the XO for the Resolute. “I was headhunted to be the new Executive Officer of the Canterbury. My old ship underwent its first major refit not too long ago and I was in between assignments. My new captain was kind enough to pick me for the job.”

She sighed and gazed at him wistfully after taking a sip of her coffee. “Sadly, this means we won’t be able to share quarters.”

He winked. “Well, we’ll be working together on division ships, so we’ll have to make do with longing glances and a long-distance relationship.”

Catriona laughed at that. “It seems so. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.”

Noticing the not-so-subtle glances from the front of the shuttle, she excused herself for a moment and went over to the cockpit to give the two pilots some of the pastries too. The two officers were reluctant to accept at first, even though they were both eyeing the donuts and brownies almost the same way as Jayce did, but all she did was leave the container on the center console and she smiled to herself when she heard the two quickly dig in as soon as her back was turned.