Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

23) The End and Beginning – Part 3

Starbase 86 - Guest Lounge-14
September 2401
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It had been quite a few days, the Mariner was still in dry-docks, and nothing was told to the crew about what would happen next. They could only follow the spreading news regarding everything happening with the underspace and the Cardassians trying to collapse it. However, The senior crew was summoned to one of the lounges used for brief meetings with crew, captains, or diplomats at Starbase 86, where they stayed to recover from their mission.

“Does anyone know what is going on?” Drata leaned back in his chair. The Bolian had seen it all. He rose from a simple engineer at Damascus to the now-chief operational officer of the Mariner. He has been busy coordinating the Mariner supplies for the last couple of days. He was recently ordered to lead the collection operations, where members had to clean out their rooms until further orders.

Shaking her head, the young Ferengi leaned forward. “I have heard more about what is going on beyond this station than what is happening to our ship.” Recently, Asipa has been involved with static information from known locations where ships have gone missing, with the communication department at Starbase 86. Asipa had received high praise for her work in the department.

Glaring at her PADD, Suto didn’t reply to the question; her mind was processing everything she had missed and been reading up on Lieutenant Bruno’s work. She had been in an induced coma for the last few days; thanks to Starbase 86 Medical Bay, she was able to get back to work and recover most of the damage that she had taken during her cold jump. Suto took a brief glare in the direction of Adrián, leaning on the table looking terrible, and then back, feeling her cheeks warm up, remembering how he carried her to sickbay, brief snaps of memories that came back to her.

Adrián and the Caitian K’Nala sat quietly, waiting for the command team to arrive. K’Nala was looking at her nails, trying to clean them; her mood was not as cheerful as people would be used to her. Adrián, on the flip side, was tired; he had been working around the clock to assist with the Mariner repairs where he possibly could; he was not so busy with what was going on with the whole underspace ordeal and more focused on the damage that was his home. 

“The Captain will arrive soon. She will explain to us what is going on. Perhaps it will be a new mission,” Miki replied, softly tapping his fingers on the table. Miki was mostly busy supporting Starbase 86 security, helping out with the refugees of different quadrants that found themselves stuck in federation space. But he was more waiting on getting back on his ship, a ship he could call home. 

Kossaal, the ship’s medical officer, also supported the medical bay with the streams of injured refugees. He was no help on the Mariner, but he did keep a check on the Mariner crew that was still recovering. He and Captain Kobahl worked together to give the deceased a proper send-off after they docked at Starbase 86, a process he would rather not have done, but he found respect in his Captain to do what was her duty. “I hope they hurry,” He muttered.

Sazra and Silina entered the lounge as if it were magic, with everyone standing up. “Please sit down,” Sazra spoke as she walked to the front of the table. While Silina sat on her spot, Sazra took a deep breath and looked at each one. “Thank you for coming on such short notice; you have all been busy with your designated assignments. Starbase 86 command team expresses their gratitude for your services.” Sazra smiled softly as a bit of pride surged through her. 

Most of them acknowledged the gratitude as Sazra sat slowly down and leaned on the table, crossing her arms and looking at them. “Recently, I had a medical examination based on what Doctor Th’shrithel concluded and confirmed by the station’s medical doctor. Due to medical complications that are difficult to resolve, I had to meet the task force command about it.” 

Kossaal looked up from his PADD, which he was reading, and looked at Sazra’s direction, knowing what this was about. Sazra captured his attention, and honestly wondered where this would lead. 

Taking a deep breath as she noticed everyone’s attention. Even Suto sometimes gave a glare in her direction. “I met with her to resign as Captain of the USS Mariner based on those medical records provided.” A burst of reactions came from it, including disbelief and sadness at what Sazra had announced. She paused momentarily, letting them get it out of their system. 

A hard slam on the table came as everyone stopped looking at Silina, who looked not amused at them all. “Your Captain is not finished…let her talk.” Silina looked at Sazra and gave a brief nod.

Sazra smiled at Silina and was grateful for her being there at that moment. She took a deep breath and continued, “Captain Takato kind of declined it; she gave me something of an alternative option. Given my situation, she was still okay if I wanted to retire out of Starfleet. But she also offered a way for me to stay in service.” Sazra paused a second or two to let it sink in and briefly put her underlip. “I was offered command over Hecate Station. It’s a Copernicus-class station in the south of Betreka Nebula…” 

“That’s near Klingon borders,” Miki interjected his Captain. “Is that not the one operating in that large asteroid field?” 

Giving a brief nod in Miki’s direction, “It is designated as a trade and diplomatic outpost with a secondary function of being a border patrol platform.” She leans a bit back, seeing the confusion on their faces. “Seeing my condition, I had to make a choice; Mariner is, sadly enough, no longer an option as there is no direction solution for it.” She took a deep breath. “So I choose the path of staying in command, and I have informed Captain Takato that I shall accept the assignment.” 

Some faces showed relief, but others expressed worries about what would happen next; everything would change. They were worried, but some made friendships, and some had families or lovers who flourished on the ship during their journey together. Sazra understood this feeling well, but this was for the best. “Now, to move on, what will happen next?” She looked at Sil.

“Starfleet Command has concluded that USS Mariner is not operational for now, yet the crew experience and knowledge are much needed in addition to various assignments. We tried our best to keep everyone together; the junior ranking was tricky for the senior staff that succeeded.” Silinia looked at the PADD she brought along. “Hecate station will see Captain Kobahl as its new Commanding Officer, Commander Deem as its new Chief Engineering, Lieutenant Alvaidze as its new Chief Operations officer, Doctor Th’shrithel as its new Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Ze as the new Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant Bruno as the new Chief Science Officer.” Looking at Sazra with a confirmation that she was done. 

Sazra smiled as she continued, “Hecate Station also requires a new Executive Officer. This will not be Commander Ruslanovna.” She heard the gasp and saw the stunned faces of some, and waved her hand toward K’Nala. “Starfleet Command wishes to extend you this position per Commander Ruslanovna’s and my endorsement.” Sazra looked at Caitian, who was overwhelmed. “What shall your answer be?”

The eyes were big and confused, and she had no idea where to look as she saw the warm smiles of her colleagues and friends looking at her. Some of them gave an approval nod in her direction as she looked back at Sazra and nodded. “I accept the position, Captain. I shall not fail you.” She felt her eyes watering and looked away, wiping the tears away as she felt Silina rub on the shoulder. Everyone cheered and clapped for her, being truly happy for the hard work that K’Nala had put into this. 

“Congratulations, Lieutenant K’Nala, you are assigned as the Executive Officer of Hecate Station.” Sazra looked at everyone and motioned with both hands to calm everyone down. “But that means there will be some minor changes to the rest. A new ship is already en route to Starbase 86 that will become your new home.” She raised her hand before anyone could object. “The ship will be assigned to Hecate station and become part of this division. I will become Division Leader, and who knows, we might gain another ship in this division in the future. But for now, the assignments are pretty much the same. Commander Valerio becomes the new Chief Engineering Officer. Lieutenant Taritt becomes the new Chief Operations Officer. Lieutenant Miki Becomes the new Chief Security/Tactical Officer. Lieutenant Scott becomes the new Chief Science Officer, and Commander Ibrix becomes the new Chief Medical Officer.” 

Smiling at each one of them, her eyes stopped at Asipa. “Ah yes, Lieutenant Asipa, I am giving you a choice. Hecate station needs a Chief Communication Officer, but you can remain with the rest of the ship and stay as the Communication Officer for them.” Sazra raised her hands. “You don’t have to answer me now. Think about it.” 

Asipa nodded in Sazra’s direction, overwhelmed by the offer, as Drata noticed something. “So, who will become our new Captain? Commander Ruslanovna will be our Executive Officer, so who is the lucky one?” 

Letting it become quiet for a moment, Sazra looked at Silina, who had her arms crossed, which made her smile. She looked back at them all, “I think you got it wrong there, Lieutenant. It’s not Commander, but Captain Ruslanovna, who will take the command seat of the new arrival ship. She will have Commander Yoon-Jung as her Executive Officer.” Everyone gasped at the announcement, never expecting that Silina would be sitting in the central chair. “Congratulations, Captain,” Sazra clapped while looking at Silina, who was not overjoyed with this choice. Everyone joined in with congratulations to each other in a bitter-sweet celebration. 

A new adventure was awaiting them all. They had grown so much over the past two years, and after being thrown into Hell’s Pit, they crawled out even stronger. Sazra felt proud of everyone sitting in this room; they had done great things. She believed fully that they would continue to do amazing things. 


  • What an incredible journey! I was completely absorbed in the story of Mariner's crew and their transition to new roles and missions. The way you’ve captured the mixture of uncertainty, resilience, and camaraderie among the crew is truly touching. It’s inspiring to see how they’ve grown through their trials and are now moving forward with new challenges. I’m particularly moved by K’Nala’s promotion—it’s a testament to her hard work and dedication. This story beautifully highlights the strength of unity and the spirit of perseverance and that's something that you do best. Your writing really makes me feel my feelz, Fantastic job!

    July 28, 2024