Part of USS Douglas: Mission 2 – LOST and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

LOST 019 – Reunited to Run

USS Douglas
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The Douglas raced towards the aperture that had dumped them here and towards a reunion with the Delta Quadrant.  The aperture back to New Bajor was collapsing under the weight of the Cardassian’s activity, and Fowler had been distressed to report that there was no way they were getting through.  Captain Leopold Halsey stood in the middle of the bridge, managing the ongoing chaos that threatened to push him and his crew to the edge.

Fowler was working hard at the science station, feeling the cold sweat of fear trickling down her back. “Aperture stability is still at 90%—we’re five minutes away.”  She felt each second ticking by, a thudding echo as the minutes counted down.  Halsey had ordered the ship to Red Alert and increased their alert condition to battle stations.  The run-in with the Devore remained in everyone’s recent memory.

Across the bridge sat Commander Charlie Hargraves as he watched and waited. He’d done what he could to prepare the crew, but it was now up to them. Fowler reported they were three minutes away, with stability holding at 90%.

As the clock above the view screen clicked over to just under a minute, Halsey slipped back into his chair. “All hands secure stations.”  The seat belts snapped into place not just on the bridge but across the ship. Those not in chairs were secured in offices and spaces across the Douglas.

Thirty seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Ensign Athena at tactical shouted, “Captain – new contact coming at us fast – it’s the Dragonfly!”

Halsey spun in shock, “What?  Hail them!”

Fowler continued her countdown as they sped towards the aperture.


Captain Wren Walton flickered on screen, “Captain Halsey – I don’t have much time.  Cardassians are collapsing the apertures…we just got out of the one to the Gamma Quadrant before it nearly swallowed us.”

Fowler continued. Five.  Three. One.  Both starships dropped from warp and skidded to a halt.

Halsey replied, “I’ll take whatever you can give us, Captain Walton.”  He let his statement hold in the air before he admitted, “It is good to see you, Wren.”

A tight smile tugged at Walton’s lips, which was her only reply as she quickly explained the work her science department had done both before and during their trip through the now violently turbulent Underspace.  “It’s going to push the Douglas, that’s for sure.  Lieutenant Moore and Captain Dread have been released to duty…and would be willing to transport over to lend a hand or two.”

The bridge went silent.  Halsey felt a range of emotions he had not prepared to feel and was certain he would have to talk with their chief counselor once this adventure ended.  He had only one choice: “They’re welcome to return to duty.  I suppose you’d like your commander back?”

Her smile widened, “He’s been missed, if you can believe it.”

Halsey returned the grin, “I can.”  He turned to Hargraves, “You are relieved, commander.  Return to the Dragonfly for your assignment.”

Charlie extended his hand and shook the interim CO’s hand, “I am relieved.  Thank you, Captain Halsey.”  He stood at attention and left the bridge, a little lighter in heart and soul.

Halsey turned to face Walton, “Have your team send what you have to Lieutenant Fowler.  Given how fast this is occurring, we may have to have alternative plans in place.”

She held up a PADD, “We’ve got several junction points that at last report were still holding.  I want to try for apertures closer to home, captain.”

Halsey turned as the doors to the bridge slid open, revealing Captain Helena Dread.  He called out, “Captain on the bridge.”  Every officer snapped up to attention, and for once, he noticed that she did not wave them away.

She met the eyes of each officer as she walked to the center command area, glancing at the command chair and then at Halsey.  She reached up and patted him gently on the shoulder, “Thank you for keeping her safe, Leopold.”  She extended her hand, and he accepted it, “You are relieved, Captain Halsey, and returned to your station and position of Executive Officer of the USS Douglas.”

He stood at attention and answered crisply, “I am relieved.  Lieutenant Tir, make a note in the log.  Command of the Douglas returned to Captain Helena Dread.”  The officer nodded as the computer repeated the confirmation.  Halsey stepped back to stand before his XO chair, “Welcome back, Helena.”

She chuckled, “Good to be back. Now that we got that out of the way…Dragonfly, you want to lead us home?  This time…we’re coming with you.”

Walton nodded, “Mr. Prentice, follow us. Ensign Castillo will update you in real-time as we navigate. Lieutenant Fowler, you’ll work directly with Commander Thasaz to make last-minute adjustments or calculations.  Lieutenant Tir – coordinate with ops and engineering on both ships – we will be flying by the very seats of our uniforms as we go.”  She took one last look at the bridge crew of the Douglas, “Let’s go home.”  The channel closed.

Dread sat in the center chair, sighing, “I missed this chair.”  She leaned forward, feeling the fire lighting her soul again,  “Mr. Prentice – follow that starship.”  

Lieutenant William Prentice stabbed at his console, “Adjusting course for the aperture – full impulse.”  He felt the pressure to get through and into Underspace.  He did not want to consider the possibility of following Voyager’s path.  The journey had been hard for them and left scars that took a long time to process and heal.

Fowler was working her console as well, “Stability at 85%!  Entering the aperture in 5…4…3…..2…1…”


  • Aww Captain Dread is back in her chair! I didn't expect them to meetup with the Dragonfly, so it was a welcoming sight to see them meet up and yet in such an alerting situation with the confirmation that the Cardassians are doing what everyone was fearing they are. Great work once again!

    July 23, 2024