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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Douglas: Mission 2 – LOST

The USS Douglas seeks out an abandoned colony to check an unusual reading. Suddenly, a new signal interrupts their efforts, and an aperture snaps open, sending them careening into Underspace.

Mission Description

On a routine scan of an abandoned colony in the Gamma Quadrant, the USS Douglas detects a signal of unusual makeup and moves to investigate. Suddenly, an aperture appears, and the Constitution III class starship is yanked through and violently thrown into the depths of an unknown galaxy.  Critically damaged, the crew of the Douglas must understand what brought them here…and find out just where ‘here’ is.  A vast expanse of mystery surrounds them and an unsettling possibility begins to set in – they are lost far from home with no way back.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

26 June 2024

LOST 009– Sending Home

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

“We’ve got one.”  Sadie Fowler reported from the science station The Douglas had spent the last few hours chasing readings and signatures across the system in cooperation with the Dragonfly.  Captain Leopold Halsey had returned to pacing the bridge while his new XO, Charlie [...]

26 June 2024

LOST 008– Decisions, Dares, and Dominos

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

“I wouldn’t tangle with Captain Walton, sir.”  Lieutenant Commander Milton Ford replied, seated at the far edge of the briefing room table.  Captain Leopold Halsey sat at the opposite end.  He had assembled the senior staff to discuss the path forward.  He’d boldly [...]

24 June 2024

LOST 007– Within and Out There

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

Fowler sat carefully at her station, her body echoing the leftover aches.  Reid had begrudgingly cleared her for duty that morning with strict instructions, including supervision by an orderly on the bridge.  The real work had already begun in part by the communication chief, Presley, and [...]

19 June 2024

LOST 006– When Push Comes to Shove

USS Douglas: Mission 2 - LOST

Prentice recalculated his intercept course, reporting, “One hour until we’re clear of Devore Imperium space, captain.”  The bridge crew remained on edge, attending to their stations while watching the clock below the viewscreen tick down minute by minute.  Halsey walked from console [...]