Part of USS Gilroy: Under-Space and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

UnderSpace Hour 3 & 4 – what do we do now? How do we get home?

Gamma Quadrant
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Hour 3 & 4 – what do we do now? How do we get home?

Almost half an hour went by since the senior crew met in the conference room. Most crew, including the ensign, returned to their stations to carry on their shift. As for the captain and the first officer, they moved to the captain’s ready room to discuss what they were to do next, inviting the ship’s counsellor to join them.

“Danvers, what are we going to do? Are we going to take on the same actions that the USS Voyager and her crew did and set course for home?” said Telkir.

“Honestly, Captain, unless we can detect another under-space opening like we did back in the Alpha quadrant and hope it swallows us up again, spitting us out, somewhere close to home. I think our best action is to do the same as the crew of Voyager and set the course for home. But we have a choice to make a captain. Do we head home via the Gamma quadrant and explore uncharted space and use the wormhole that connects the Gamma quadrant to the alpha quadrant and next to Deep Space Nine or do we set course for the Bazon Wormhole in the Delta Quadrant and get home that way?” asked Commander Danvers. 

Before the captain could even get a chance to answer, the commander looked at Lt. Allen and asked. “So Lieutenant, what do you think,

  • what do you think from a ship’s counselor’s point of view the crew would want to do?
  • What do you think would be better for them? 
  • Is that the road already taken when we have information on the upcoming route and races, or do we take the unknown route? 
  • What do you think we should do?”

After asking the Lieutenant what he thinks and asking for his opinion, she leaned forward got up went to the replicated ordered a sweet lemon coffee with 2 sugars and then sat back down where she was waiting for what the ship’s councillor thought they should do.

A few moments later, John leaned forward and said, “Commander, sorry Rose, we, as you know, are stuck between a rock and a hard place. No matter which way we head, it will be a difficult route. We are ill-prepared, unlike the USS Voyager, to embark on a long journey or face any hostile races that would prioritise attacking rather than seeking information and friendship. In my opinion, we would stand a better chance of heading back via the Delta Quadrant. At least we have information on the races, their technology and who to look out for, and no one got anywhere nearby. Personally, no matter if we are in a California class ship, a galaxy class or even a warlike Defiant class ship I would want to go home the route of the Gamma quadrant to be able to explore and do what Starfleet’s primary mission was, and that’s to explore strange new worlds, new life and new civilisations.”

Lt Allen’s answer was one that neither the captain nor his first officer was looking for at all, l but it at least gave them a view of what at least one person was on board the ship and a good view from that. With that, Captain Telkir got up from his seat and stood looking out the ready room window. Taking in a view of this strange space, the space looked the same as space always looked Wherever you were—a few moments passed, taking in the advice from Lt. Allen and the advice of his first officer from the talk they had on their way down to the ready room. He came to his decision on what they would do and turned to the two.

“Right, we will head home via the Gamma Quadrant. We will take a page out of the USS Voyagers book and get home while beholding the principles of the federation and go back to what their primary mission was so many years ago.” with this Commander Danvers and Lt. Allen both looked at each other somewhat concerned both thinking that they are not the USS Voyager and don’t have the capabilities of that ship. Seeing the looks on their faces the captain continued to say “I know what you are both thinking, yes we are not Voyager and why didn’t we head back via the Delta Quadrant and the route that we have so much data on its species and who we can and can’t more or less trust.” take a breath to sit back down and engage what the two had to say.

“Frankly yes,” said Commander Danvers with Lt. John nodding in agreement. “I decided to take us this way because we don’t know if there are any species this way like the Vaadwaur or even the Turei that might know how to access the under-space or may even be the creators of this form of travel.” speaking form a point of logic when explaining to his to fellow officers and even thorough they might not like his decision or even totally agree with it they accepted his answer and both nodding there heads as to say ok.

An hour had passed since that chat in the captain’s quarters the captain and the commander had made their way to the bridge while Lt John went to his office waiting for the announcement that he knew was coming. Seconds later the captain looked at Lt. Commander Sharpe and said “Open a ship-wide channel please” and with that turned and walked towards the front of the bridge. Lt, Commander did what she was asked and a second later the channel was open.

“Crew of the USS Gilroy, this is your captain speaking, as a lot of you are aware if not all of you by this time now we are no longer in the Alpha quadrant and taking a quote from our helmsman Ensign Thalasa Pemberton” walking forward to her and placing his hand on her shoulder. 

“We have done a Voyager manoeuvre and been catapulted 70.000 light years from our home. The difference here is we are not in the Delta Quadrant we have ended in the far reaches of the Gamma Quadrant.” 

from here he headed to the front of the bridge, turned to look at his entire bridge crew and continued to say. “I met with a few of the senior crew discussed our predicament and came down with a solution for what we going to do. We truly are going to set our course for home but we are not going to take the route which is best suited for us we head via the Delta quadrant to the wormhole instead we are to set our course for the Gamma Quadrant wormhole and head home via Deep Space nine. I know this will be a hard and very dangerous trip not knowing what is out there, not knowing if we are ever to make it home, but we are Starfleet we will do what we trained to do, we will make it home somehow some way.” and with that, he nodded to end the call at Lt. Commander Sharpe, sitting back in his chair “helm set course for home and engage”