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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Gilroy: Under-Space

To engage strange readings at a set of given coordinates and report back our findings.

Mission Description

Not long after returning from the Delta quadrant, the USS Gilroy resumed her normal daily mission of resupply and second contact. Shortly after, their superiors assigned them the task of investigating some strange subspace readings that had been detected throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Not knowing if it could just be a natural occurrence or the possible return of the Borg from their most recent defeat.

About the Mission

USS Gilroy
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

21 June 2024

Underspace Hours 1 and 2

USS Gilroy: Under-Space

Stardate 240106.14 – Time Index 1400 hours – The start of something new. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since the crew of the USS Gilroy has been home from the Delta Quadrant and in that time they have had a few missions to settle themself back into the way of the Alpha Quadrant. The Gilroy [...]