Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

13)Give it to me…

USS Mariner - Ready Room
September 2401
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The ready room was one big mess. There was no other way of saying it politely. There are chairs on the ground, and some trinkets and PADDs are next to them. Even the plant was not spared from the brutality of this event, which had crashed down on this ship. Kneeling as a shattered photo frame was picked up, Sazra dusted the broken glass a bit. Seeing the old crew of the Jaxartes. The crew was young, naive, and very inexperienced in what they would see, feel, and hear. 

Sazra shrugged, wondering if she could travel back and tell her younger self, what would she tell her? Be careful? Don't trust anyone? It would basically change who she is now. She had seen stars of unknown constructs, met alien life, mind melt with a large entity with every risk included, and much more. There was nothing she could have told herself to be more prepared for what was ahead of her. But it made her wonder about her current situation, stranded in the unknown, once again faced with danger. She looked outside and saw the dark red and purple clouds in constant motion, with lighting coming across them. The sound of a crippled chime broke her stare. “Enter,” she stated, standing up and leaning against the desk.


Both K'Nala and Dacio stated at the same time that their uniforms were dirty and ripped. On any given day, Sazra would have corrected them that clean clothing was the image of every Starfleet officer, but the situation didn't call for such a lecture. She was a mess herself, as Sazra looked briefly at her uniform and shrugged out of irritation. “Report…” she said in an annoyance tone. She saw Adrián silently joining them and giving her a nod. 

K'Nala looked nervously toward Adrián, who gave her a reassuring nod. She took a deep breath and looked at the PADD he had given her, “We took a severe blow to the capacity of ourrr crew. Doctor Th'shrithel is doing quite the miracle work.  As of this reporrrt eighteen people have been lost. We got eleven in critical condition. About forrrty-fourrr in severe condition. That …”

“Forty-seven are on active duty, shit,” Sazra interrupted K'Nala's report and rubbed her template, letting the information sink in. It was quite a blow to the operational standards of this ship. It had an impact on all fronts. “What is the ETA for getting our crew back in full health?”

The young Caitian shrugged, “The doctorrr is doing what he can but to his words. It depends on when he has a full working sickbay at his disposal…”  

“Commander Ruslanovna is currently out of commission for at least three days; the doc stated that she managed to close the outside wounds, but she got critical due to her inside bleeding.” Adrián added to K'Nala's report and saw Sazra's posture slightly change, hearing this news: “Lieutenant Scott…” For some reason, he had problems with this report himself and shrugged. “She will be out of commission longer, as she was exposed to the elements of space. Doc said she is lucky to be still alive.”

Every fiber in Sazra body wanted to rush out of this room and get to Silina side, she wanted to throw the rank and uniform aside and be at her loved one. But she knew that Silina would give her a lecture. Taking a deep breath and staying calm. “Mariner?” she stated. 

This was the spotlight for Adrián, a light he would rather stay out of. He shrugged and crossed his arms. “Hull breaches here and there; sections that are hit badly are closed off by force fields, like collapsed ceilings and blown plasma conduits. To my surprise, the warp core is relatively intact, however priority must go to the right warp cell. Reports state that the engine is barely hanging onto the ship; I need to go outside and patch her up as best as possible; thrusters would be possible, but that's about it. Warp will be a big no, not in her fragile state.”

This is more bad news to add to the mountain of problems that Sazra already had to process. Well, let's add more. She looked at Dacio, “Report, Lieutenant." The relatively quiet science officer stayed in the back of this conversation.

He looked up when hearing the request and nodded to his Captain. “Well….with the remnants of the science department, I had to my arsenal. It took me a good ten hours to compile the given information.” He looked at the PADD that he had in his hands. Dacio disliked being vague, but he did not have much information to go on. “We tried to figure out what happened, why, and how. But with the given material we had, it will take longer even to get a certain answer on these questions.” 

Dacio shrugged at his lack of ability to explain more. “I can say the following: the readings from before and during the event are not connected. It is a natural event that occurred, that is for sure, but the readings of the gravity intensity and the amount of tachyon particles are very difficult to explain,” he said, tapping his PADD. “But there is one possibility, it is far-fetched and very unlikely because….well, to cut short, it is the possibility that we got dragged into a wormhole of some kind….when crossing this information with the system, we got underspace”

The room got quiet as the reflection of another lighting entered the ready room, “Underspace?” K'Nala's expression said it all; she was confused. “What is that?”

“It is a network of subspace corridors that is mostly under the control of the Turei Alliance,” Sazra explained briefly, tapping her lip, thinking of the given information. It was quite the riddle, and she agreed with Dacio that the likelihood that this was the underspace was slim.

Shaking her head, she said, “Wait, Turei? That's Delta Quadrant.” She looked from Adrián to Sazra, looking even more confused than before. “We were in Beta Quadrant.”

Nodding to that conclusion, he said, “That is the problem we are having right now to confirm. We need sensors to investigate where we are. But if the criteria and parameters meet up, we are most likely still in the underspace.” He looked briefly over his shoulder at the dangerous and hazardous space. "I need more sensors and working scientific equipment to conclude our situation."

It became quiet momentarily as they saw Sazra tapping her lip with her finger and then looking up at them. “Commander Valerio, get two teams ready to prioritize both ship's internal systems, such as sensors and medical. The other team focuses on the warp cell. Get this ship moving again, but be careful out there.” She looked at K'Nala. “Help sickbay by finding personnel with minimal medical knowledge, and assign those with engineering skills to the engineering to report to Lieutenant Taritt.” Security was less important in the given situation, Sazra thought.

Looking at Dacio, she said, “Continue your work with the available science officers and figure out where we are and how to get out. Ask K'Nala for a navigational point reference if needed. We must know what is out there and if it harms us.” With that, she pushed herself off the desk and walked to the door, as Sazra wanted to leave.

“Captain,” K'Nala spoke, looking in her direction.

Sazra stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around. "What, Lieutenant? 

“You can't help herrr,” K'Nala stated bluntly, knowing exactly where the Captain was rushing over to. “The crrrew requires you; the ship requirrres you right now. The doctorrr has full control over Commanderrr Ruslanovna's situation. You would be a burden to herrr if you just stay at herrr side and do nothing.” These were harsh words that caught Adrián off guard, surprised by the bold approach from the young woman. 

It was indeed a heavy sting that hit Sazra in her back, but despite wanting to yell at the officer, wanting to put her back in her place. Sazra just sighed and knew that K'Nala was right about the given situation. Automatically, she wanted to go to Silina, ensuring she was alright, to be at her side when she woke up. “Three days…” Sazra muttered and nodded softly “I will be heading to the shuttle bay or a functional one that is” She didn't turn around and just spoke “I will try to find a working shuttle and give Lieutenant Bruno a chance to get outside and get some real feed information. I work better at science as it is my starting point, the roots of my Starfleet career.” 

Knowing very well that her speech was a ruse to cover up her true initial attempt, she changed her mind on the spot to focus on the needs of the many. “Get to work, dismissed.” With that said, Sazra moved out of the room leaving the three officers behind. 

Adrián pats K'Nala's shoulder. “You are on the right track of becoming a fine command staff, but also on her bad side.” He winked at her as they left the ready room to resume their duties. 


  • Not gonna lie- every time I read the word ‘Mariner’, I think of Lower Decks’ Mariner 😹. I felt so bad for Adrian and Sazra, each with deeper connections to a particular crew member in more critical danger. This chapter had a lot of tough decisions for the crew. There's so much they don't know yet, and so much damage to repair or mitigate. They are starting to pull together and do damage control, but as bad as their ship has been damaged, I really hope they can find footing before the next crisis arises. The dynamics between the crew members, such as K'Nala's boldness in reminding Sazra of her responsibilities and Adrián's supportive yet light-hearted comment to the Caitian in parting, added depth to the interactions and highlit the camaraderie among the team. The revelation that this could be Underspace and the uncertainty of their current location added to the crew’s anxiety and stress, yet they quickly mobilized to address the various ship repairs. Overall, this chapter was a great blend of personal struggles and professional responsibilities, creating a compelling narrative that kept my continued investment in the Mariner's story. I'm excited to see how the crew navigates through these challenges in the upcoming chapters.

    June 30, 2024