Part of USS Galileo: Departure and USS Galileo: The Nexus Within – M1

Departure – 1

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Maxwell stood on the turbolift going to the bridge, with various thoughts running through his mind. This is his first command after being the chief science officer for various ships in the past. He waited nervously as the turbolift zoomed throughout the ship, where he would first meet his crew at deck 1, commonly known as the bridge. This was an opportunity that Maxwell could not pass up after having passed the bridge officer test with flying colors back on his old ship. He was promoted to full commander with two choices: be the team leader of a specialized team of scientists or be the commanding officer of a starship. He ultimately chose to command a starship, the U.S.S. Galileo, a Steamrunner-class starship, a frigate, which is nicknamed the “torpedo frigate”.

~ Maxwell, think. How do you make a good first impression with your crew? I mean… ~

Maxwell’s thoughts were interrupted when the turbolift opened, revealing the bridge. He walked out but was still in a daze, he heard an officer yell, “Captain on the bridge!”. Then Maxwell saw every officer stand and stop what they were doing.

Knapp said “As you were,” while motioning for the officers to continue what they were doing. Maxwell thought ~ That was certainly a first, ~ while walking down to the command chair. The sacred chair that every commanding officer of a starship sat upon. 

~ I guess it is now mine… ~

Kristen was a bit nervous holding the PADD while walking up to the commanding officer. Mustering up the courage, she started speaking: “Captain, reports on the operational status and some reports to sign, sir.”

Maxwell had this in thought: ~ Wait, what’s her name again… Uh, Krystal? Kristen? Yeah, Kristen! Gardner, if I’m not mistaken. Damn, I still need to review and get to know my crew… Anyways. ~ as seeing the executive officer walking towards him,

Maxwell commented “At ease, commander,” upon seeing the executive officers’ nervousness. 

Maxwell vividly remembered the day when he would receive his first posting and assignment as an ensign fresh out of the academy. It was a rather gloomy day coming from the campus in San Francisco. It doesn’t rain in space, now does it? Nor does it have sun shine. Maxwell remembered that he stood nervously waiting for his assignment, which he hoped was somewhat of a prestigious place to be. A starship with a long history and a fabled crew, perhaps? He could still remember the shocked face that he expressed when his name was called. His first assignment was on a Starbase?! His friends and classmates also shared the same sentiments, as out of their entire batch of cadets, Maxwell and one other cadet were the only ones shipped off to a starbase while the others were assigned to starships.

Knapp questioned, “Not every department is ready for departure yet, am I correct? Especially engineering, I believe. Still prepare us for departure at 1500 hours. It should be just some minor fixes, and they should be done by then.”

Gardner said, “Yes, sir. The engineering team still has some minor issues to deal with, but I will inform them that departure is at 1500 hours.” She then quickly stalked away.

Maxwell contemplated ~ Anyways, I suppose I got like a few hours before departure. Might as well go down to the departments and see how they’re holding up. Hmm, or should I review the crew roster first? I still have names to memorize after all. Then I’ll go down to engineering, then science and medical. Knowing the crew will be a crucial factor in working together with them after all, ~ before deciding to stand up and say, “Commander Gardner, you have the bridge.”

Gardner said “Aye, sir,” while walking towards the middle of the bridge, where the captain’s chair was located. Seeing the captain stand up, she immediately sat down, and all she had to say was that. She could really feel the power of the chair. Kristen was shocked at how comfortable the captain’s chair was compared to other chairs at the bridge or the whole damn ship.

Walking off to the ready room, Maxwell was still taking in the ship’s beauty. A ship named after the fabled seventeenth-century astronomer and polymath, Galileo Galilei. A Steamrunner-class starship was not something Maxwell expected to command. The Steamrunner is best known for being the Jack-of-all-trades, being a light cruiser but capable of all sorts of tricks that it has up its sleeves. 

~ Wait, do starships even have sleeves?! Anyways ~

Entering his ready room, Maxwell went to the restroom to wash his face before starting to review the crew files. Maxwell sighed, “It’s going to be a long day after all.” 

Before sitting down at his desk, Maxwell went to the replicator and asked for coffee. After that, he finally sat down at his desk and opened his computer. “Computer, access the crew manifest, starting with the senior staff and their respective files.”

A beep from the computer indicating it had been opened was heard. Maxwell started scrolling through the first file. Which was of the executive officer, Lieutenant Commander Kristen Gardner. 

Knapp requested, “Computer, access the personnel file of one, Kristen Gardner, with audio and visual outputs.” He was really curious as to what the commander had already achieved.

“Accessing the Personnel File of One: Lieutenant Commander Kristen Gardner… Species: Human/Bajoran, Age: 28.”

Knapp commented, “Huh, that’s certainly interesting. Just 28? That’s impressive.”

“Awards and recommendations: Starfleet Medal of Commendation, 2 times citation, Silver Cluster for Academic Excellence, Palm Cluster, Cochrane Medal…”

Knapp once again commented while feeling a bit shocked, “Cochrane Medal? That’s impressive. Only a few people from a specific field of science and engineering earn that award. It’s an award given by the federation council and its members.”

Maxwell thought to himself and said, ~ This is going to take some time, even with just the senior staff and department heads. I still have around 13 hours to do so, and I most definitely still have time to go down the… Well, everywhere? ~

Standing up, he went back to the replicator and asked for another cup of coffee, or two. Maxwell depended on coffee to live. He shudders, thinking about how his life would be if coffee didn’t exist.


  • How life would be if coffee didn't exist? Bad for Starfleet captains, and bad for me. A nice introduction to our new ship and our new captain. I particularly appreciated how you wove in context about the Steamrunner, one of my favorite under-utilized Starfleet designs, and even just little mentions like how he chose to captain over to lead a specialized science unit, it tells us a lot about Captain Knapp's background and aspirations. A lot of little nuggets packed in here to get us up to speed, although I'm mildly worried for our hero that he's just now getting around to reading the crew dossiers...

    June 15, 2024
  • Nothing like the smell of a new star ship. Oh wait. New Captain, not new star ship! Nevertheless, it seems the first officer is a bit nervous. I wonder if it is because of the new CO? Or new to the job? Either way, it is nice to see that the CO is taking the time to learn more about their crew and to start off with the first officer is always a good place to start. Now, Knapp isn't going to become another Janeway, is he? With the coffee and all. Just teasing. Looking forward to more from this ship, very curious as to how the crew will react to their new CO, especially when the fun begins!

    June 15, 2024
  • Personally, I appreciate the nuance that the new CO of the Gallello is in a situation where he is being forced to play catch up with the responsibilities of his new command. A common theme from the decimation of the 4th Fleet during the events following the Borg incursion on Frontier Day - has played out in many players posts and its gratifying to see so many Captains, not only weaving this into their storytelling - but I find it clever how the recent OOC mechanics of the new Fleet Assets systems has been justified in IC posting that is contemporaneous not only to those events, but as we can see in this post - also compliment a Bravo Fleet struggling to fill the gaps by reactivating older types of vessel and also plays neatly into the new Fleet Action about to unfold. Sometimes you don't need reams of exposition - sometimes naturally flowing writing (such as we see here) is far more effective in scene - setting and certainly enjoyable to read! KUDOS!!!

    June 15, 2024
  • Taking the perspective of the new captain is a great way to start us off on this new adventure. Knapp indeed reminds me of a certain other captain written by one of our other TFCOs - there's a sense of edginess and concern in Knapp's thoughts that I hope ensures he isn't wholly bonkers (but I think you need to be slightly crazy to want to be a starship captain these days). I'm intrigued to get to know his first officer more. Will she be the young Riker/Kirk type, or will we see a young genius at play (or a bit of both)? Exciting times for the Galileo ahead.

    June 15, 2024
  • New captain, new ship, new adventures and new situations. Everyone has to start somewhere and this is the start for Maxwell Knapp. The Steamrunner class, hasn't always attracted the same sort of attention other types have; so I look forward to how its utilised as this mission moves on. I'm liking things so far.

    June 15, 2024
  • Like everyone said, you introduced the perspective of a new Captain with showing how green he is behind the ears. Not knowing certain people of his command, struggling throughout memorizing and the choices that brought him to the command chair. You did an amazing job introducing us to the story and I look forward of what Maxwell will bring to the table. Awesome job!

    June 16, 2024
  • I have to go and repeat what others said. Introducing your story through the prospective of a new Captain was great. You showed that he is a rookie but not in the fact of who he was but commanding an entire ship. You showed the woes of this and how it can be overwhelming. This was an incredible intro to Maxwell and it looks like Maxwell has lots to contribute given the time to settle into his role. Again great job!

    June 18, 2024