Part of USS Douglas: Mission 1 – From Daedalus to Douglas and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

FDTD 003 – Strange New Worlds

USS Douglas
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“We’re next in line, Captain.”  Lieutenant Prentice announced from the helm.  They had moved into position at the Bajoran Wormhole. The orders had come quickly – the Constitution III class was an explorer and a science vessel.  There were plenty of places to explore in the Gamma Quadrant, they had said.  The Douglas was the perfect fit for the mission, they said.

“Thank you, Mr. Prentice.”  Captain Helena Dread was less sure of the promises and assurances they had given her.  The new infusion of crew was young and inexperienced.  Many of them had never left the Alpha Quadrant.  Dread had worried they were going to find a way to send them to the Delta Quadrant.  “Let’s get everyone secured.”  A soft thrumming klaxon bleated out, warning that wormhole transport was impending.

Prentice narrated, “Wormhole activating.”  He’d seen video of the thing, but nothing prepared him for the opening maw of the gaping beast of a wormhole.  It was an impressively beautiful thing to behold, and he had to remind himself to get the Douglas moving forward.  “Engaging impulse engines.”  The ship slipped forward through space, closer to the wormhole.  “Increasing impulse, adjusting course.”  The console and the screens alerted him to the impending transition with a timer and schematic view of the wormhole as it went through its various stages.  It really was a wonder, he thought.  A moment later, he tapped the final command, “Entering the wormhole.”


“Sensors report we are where we’re supposed to be, sir.”  Prentice had enjoyed the impressive light show that had played across the screens as they’d transitioned through the wormhole.  He shifted them down and away from the wormhole as other ships were slated to arrive behind them.  “Setting course for New Bajor.”  Prentice wasn’t sure how to feel about the Gamma Quadrant.  He’d done a quick refresher on the history – it had been bloody and brutal in the early days, and the Dominion War had started here.  The presence of the Presidium-class Opaka Outpost and the expanding New Bajor colony was what made the difference for him.  They also wouldn’t be stuck here for a month like in the Delta Quadrant.  Like the rest of the Mackenzie crew that had survived the sector, he had no desire to return there.

Dread stood from the command chair and walked to her science chief, “Fowler, report.”  They’d been ordered to explore, and Helena wasn’t about to disappoint those who had made the orders.

Fowler had a reserved smile tightly held on her face.  She knew most of the crew was nervous about being in the Gamma Quadrant.  For her, it was a whole new galaxy teeming with the potential of discovery.  “All sensor systems are working as expected.  I’ve started a list of places to investigate with the team doing further work to identify the specifics.  Starfleet has also sent a list.”  Sadie handed her CO a PADD, “Some of it’s out there, but there’s one that’s closer – an easy way to start our mission.  An odd signal reading came from an abandoned colony that was left empty when the Dominion War began.”

“You say easy.  That might be what they see from a distance. We get closer…and it’s something else entirely.”  She read through the details on the PADD, “It is close enough for us to do some warm-up work.  We have to start somewhere.” She tapped at the device, “Mr. Prentice, set an intercept course for this planet – maximum warp. Engage when ready.”


Halsey sat in the ready room chair as the Douglas sped to its destination.  “There’s not much available on the colony.  It was small at the time, and records were spotty at best.”  He scrolled through the PADD, “They were hoping to find something material-wise to replace the pre-fabricated units they arrived with, but they didn’t get a chance.  Dominion War broke out a year after they landed.  Everyone escaped in time, but records on where they ended up are…again, spotty at best.”

Dread stood in front of the windows. “I hope it’s just an errant mechanical signal that shorted out and started transmitting. Do you think they left anyone behind?”  She remained in a staring contest with the stars as they flew by.

“I can’t imagine surviving out here during the war would be easy.  It is interesting – records show that the Dominion didn’t take over the planet or do anything with it.  They just avoided it.”  He frowned, “For a group that prides itself in ”Victory is Life” it does seem odd.”

Helena turned on that curious revelation, “I’m not putting anyone down there until we figure out why.  Anything that puts fear into the Jem’Hadar and the Vorta is enough to give me pause.”  She accepted the PADD, “There were no records of anything causing issues with the previous colony.  Curious that they couldn’t find materials on the planet in that year.”  She returned it back to Halsey, “Let’s take it nice and easy.  Whatever’s down there…or whoever’s down there – they scared the Dominion.”