Part of Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron Season 1

USS Douglas

Mission 1 - From Daedalus to Douglas

The crew of the Daedalus is suddenly reassigned to the USS Douglas, a Constitution III class starship.

Mission Description

From the small Rhode Island to the expansive Constitution III class, the crew must now learn to navigate a new ship class with a larger crew while waiting to find out what’s next.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

12 June 2024

FDTD 010 – To What End

USS Douglas: Mission 1 - From Daedalus to Douglas

“Hey, Tir.” “Captain.” “How are you feeling about…all this?”  Ambrose Harris had been shifted into a sitting chair with various treatments to help with the growing pain he was experiencing as life was slowly draining from him.  He had made the decision to be able to say [...]

11 June 2024

FDTD 009 – The Reunion

USS Douglas: Mission 1 - From Daedalus to Douglas

“You already said your goodbyes.”  They had cleared the quarantine room from restrictions and allowed Jordan Reid to sit beside Ambrose, who was lamenting the moment with tears in his eyes.  She had enveloped him in a gentle, comforting hug on the table, her eyes equally filled with [...]

10 June 2024

FDTD 008 – The Risen and The Reckoning

USS Douglas: Mission 1 - From Daedalus to Douglas

“We’re going to be wrong no matter what we choose.”  Captain Dread stood with the others outside the quarantine quarters, having listened to the report from each of them, and her response was one of tired finality – the road to this moment had been turbulent at best and frustrating at [...]

8 June 2024

FDTD 007 – The Resurrected and The Dead

USS Douglas: Mission 1 - From Daedalus to Douglas

“She really did a number on him.”  Jordan Reid stood cautiously at the glass, her eyes staring at Ambrose Harris’s body.  He had become her commanding officer when she’d been assigned to the USS Erigone, a cramped Raven class.  That had been almost a year and a half ago, in [...]