Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

1) Come back Home

Ready Room
2401 - August
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For the past few days, the USS Tokyo has been on standby, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new companion to embark on their adventure in the Delta Quadrant. However, the Tokyo has not yet arrived, and all attempts at communication have gone unanswered in the vast expanse of space. "Any news?" Sazra inquired as she noticed K'Nala entering the room. Sazra had already reported the Tokyo's failure to rendezvous to Starfleet in the sector but had not received any further instructions on what to do next.

The Caitian stood at attention before her Captain desk and shook her head “None ma'am…Starfleet wants to have a conversation about something and an incoming transmission is coming from Starbase 86” K'Nala saw over her shoulder Silina entering and looked back “It concerrrns the attention of yourrr command team it seemed, So I invited Commander Ruslanovna to join us” 

Seeing Silina give a nod to Sazra and now standing next to K'Nala, Sazra nodded slowly in response to the report. She then sat back in her chair as she noticed the blinking light appear. "Let's see if they found my squad's ship," Sazra muttered as she pressed the button, establishing a holographic connection. The figure of Captain Ryoko Takato hologram materialized in the room.

"You certainly make me wait, Captain Kobahl..." Ryoko grumbled.

Sazra glanced at K'Nala, who shrugged slightly before turning back to Ryoko. "My apologies, Captain. Communication systems here in the Delta Quadrant are... not the best, and far from functional when it comes to timing. What can I do for you today?" Sazra redirected her attention to her Task Force Commanding Officer, wondering about the purpose of the communication. Perhaps it was related to their missing ship?

"Right..." Ryoko responded with a shrug to the comment about delayed communication, but she was not in the mood to entertain that topic. "I'll get straight to the point. You are to take the wormhole, which is in a day or two, back to the Beta Quadrant and have your ship docked at Starbase 86."

The command team appeared a bit confused at the sudden change of orders. "I thought Starfleet didn't want us in the Beta Quadrant or near any Federation facility for that matter," Silina stated with bitterness in her voice. She had not forgotten what had happened before when they had to deal with the whole Lost Fleet situation.

“Plus we arrre still missing a ship forrr squadron…” K'Nala pointed out as Sazra stayed quiet letting her command team take the word in this for now.

Taking a deep breath, Ryoko began, "Starfleet Command... internal issues are ongoing, but they are getting resolved as we speak. Yet, I am facing a new problem that collides with the old problem I am dealing with. Captain Kobahl might remember this, but we are experiencing resource and personnel problems, making dispatching ships into the field rather challenging." Ryoko shrugged at her own explanation. "You may not have heard the news yet, but the Klingon Empire is reviving its inner warrior spirit and has decided to go on a rampage... I mean, they are returning to their roots and have decided to expand their territories again. They have not targeted Federation borders, but they are aiming their attention to the Romulans."

"Sounds like a headache," Sazra calmly remarked, wondering why Ryoko was approaching them to return.

Giving a brief nod in Sara's direction, Ryoko continued, "Meanwhile, the Cardassian Union is also facing problems with the True Way and the so-called New Maquis, who are fighting against the Cardassians... again." Ryoko's facial expression revealed her frustration with the situation. "So, the Fourth Fleet Command wants Task Force 86 to reinforce the borders more intensify, and I need every ship to do so... including yours."

K'Nala raised her hand carefully “Ma'am the Marinerrr is not a ship meant for frontal engagement, I don't see us hold out long against the Klingons particularrr…” 

"I'm not going to assign the Mariner to border patrol; however, I will be sending you all to a new colony beyond our borders. The emerging colony, named Mogotis, lies between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic space and appears to be a target for the Klingons. They are currently facing issues with Klingon ships entering their space, with some even daring to attack their cargo ships and plunder them."

Taking a deep breath, Sazra shrugged slightly. "That's essentially the same as border patrol for us, ma'am," she remarked, feeling reserved about the subject at hand. No matter how well you dress up the situation, if it's a mess, it's still a mess. Sazra needed more details on this matter.

"Yes and no," came a brief reaction from Ryoko. "The Mariner is to dock at Starbase 86 to receive medical supplies that will aid Mogotis in their struggle. We will send you there as diplomatic envoys, but your orders are to avoid any conflict with the Klingon Empire. If possible, try to diplomatically persuade the Klingons to peacefully leave Mogotis space."

Silina blinked for a second. "Wait, you want to send us there to deliver supplies and resolve this problem diplomatically? You just mentioned that the Klingons are there like blood-lusting dogs craving for war. They will not listen to our peace talks... Do we even have protected status with this colony?" Silina shrugged and noticed Sazra's glare. "...Sir," she quickly added. 

Taking a moment to respond, Ryoko eventually shrugged. "I know what I am asking of you, but we can't ignore a plea for help. Get in there, deliver their supplies, and if possible, neutralize the situation peacefully. Starfleet is not in a position to engage in a full-scale war with them." Ryoko was careful in formulating her words.

Nodding to her superior officer, Sazra bluntly stated, "The Mariner will report to Starbase Bravo as soon as possible, sir. But you have not answered my second officer's question regarding the Tokyo?"

"The Tokyo is currently... M.I.A. We have no idea where they are, and the last known location provides little to no clues. Some crew members of the ship were found in shuttles traveling back. However, earlier conversations with them indicate they have no idea where the ship went..." Ryoko shrugged at the idea. "We suspect that the command crew might have gone rogue, so I am assigning a different ship to investigate and track them down. This is no longer your concern, and I apologize for being unable to provide the support you require."

It was quite a shock for the Mariner command team to hear that their new ship, which was supposed to join them on their adventures, had gone missing and potentially gone rogue. K'Nala wanted to ask more about it, but she noticed Sazra raising her hand slightly in her direction. "Thank you, Captain. We will focus on the given mission."

Ryoko nodded. "Good, Takato out." The hologram disappeared.

"Rogue... in a time like this is not something Starfleet can use," Silina eventually stated after the room fell quiet.

"I have read the profile on Captain Yoon-Jung; she and her crew endured quite a lot during their last mission with the Borg. While it doesn't justify their disappearance, we do not know their reasoning. Let Starfleet investigate this. Lieutenant, set a course for the wormhole... I'd rather not be late," Sazra directed her words towards K'Nala.

"Yes, ma'am," K'Nala snapped to attention and left the Ready Room.

Silina looked over her shoulder as K'Nala left. "Are you sure about this mission?" she asked Sazra, turning back to her.

Shaking her head, Sazra replied, "No, but it seems the pieces are being set on the battlefield. Let's see what is going on out there... Captain Takato must have a good reason to send a ship like ours. Get some more information on this colony... Mogotis." Silina nodded to Sazra and left the Ready Room as well.

As her First officer left the room, Sazra tapped on her personal computer and it brought up the last known information on the USS Tokyo. “Where are you? Or better said…where are going towards Captain Yoon-Jung?” Sazra narrowed her eyes as she felt the Mariner jump to warp to get back into the mission that was assigned to them. 


  • FrameProfile Photo

    Oh this is a nice bit of tension to start off with. I like the interplay between the crew on the bridge as they wait for a squadron ship which is late, and then that comm call! The tension and confusion came over loud and clear, with some great internal monologue from Sazra. My favourite line has to be ‘New Maquis, who are fighting against the Cardassians... again."’ Lovely! Can’t wait to see how this all shapes up.

    June 16, 2024
  • FrameProfile Photo

    Your story really pulls the reader into the intense situation faced by the Mariner's crew. The dialogue feels real and does a great job of showing the stress and uncertainty of the situation. Ryoko's careful phrasing highlights the difficult choices and high stakes of their mission, making her seem like a thoughtful and smart leader. The crew’s actions and reactions feel authentic. Plus, the mystery of the USS Tokyo adds an exciting twist that keeps readers wanting more. I look forward to reading more! (Also- I really like the Caitian!)

    June 22, 2024
  • FrameProfile Photo

    I love that start into the mission for how fast pace it is. The dialogue gives a really good first impression of the characters, and what is important to them. I want to know what happened to the Tokyo!

    July 11, 2024