Journey To Vashran

Jason Devron heads for the planet Vashran

Part 1: Special Request

Starbase 86
1st March 2401 07:30

It had been two week since the as yet unexplained disappearance of Commander Salan and Lieutenant Bolka, along with serval members of the MRT Atragon crew including her captain Hachiro Jinguji.

Since arriving at Starbase 86, which was the USS Jaxartes current home base; Ensign Jason Devron and the rest of the ship’s crew had been heavy questioned about the events on and near Y’Teck V and also the capture of the aforementioned Raven class vessel by Orion pirates hidden aboard the freighter Soufrière which led to the deaths of Chief Engineer Bellbrooke and Crewman Second Class Delanie.

Jason hadn’t been back on board the Jaxartes since they’d docked.  In fact as far as he knew no one had; other than a security team and a pair of investigating officers.  The Transporter room was still in the mess he’d left it. No double his blood by now dried out was still on the pad where the Orion Hasray had shot him.

That was another puzzle, the Orions’ they had taken prisoner whilst retaking the ship, had all somehow disappear!  He did wonder if someone from Intelligence was behind it.  But even if that was the case, he was highly unlikely to ever find out.

Sitting on the edge of the bed in the room he’d been assigned, Jason ran the fingers of his right hand through the slight stubble forming on his chin; wondering what mess would confront him if he dared look in a mirror right now.  He hadn’t spoken much to anyone else other than those leading the investigation.  Just the odd word or two in passing.  For the most part they’d been kept away from each other; access via the computer in the room he’d been given had been severally limited up until a couple of days ago and someone from security deactivated his com-badge.  Or rather given him a new one that was only there to track his location every time he left this room. Besides Jason just didn’t know what he would have said to any of the crew; even if he had been given the chance.

He didn’t think he’d felt this alone since hearing of the death of his mother whilst at the Academy back on Earth.  Even that had been in another life.  This one was meant to have been a better one; right now it didn’t look like it.  Jason dropped back on to the bed, and instantly regretted the sudden jolt.  The wound was gone, leaving no visible scare, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t hurt.  The doctor who’d examined him had remarked at how good a job Andrianakis had done on fixing up his injury.

A few minutes past as Jason lay there on the bed in just the t-shirt and shorts he’d slept in; when the computer bleeped, attracting his attention to an incoming communication.   Sitting up a little more carefully than he’d flopped down Jason slid his legs round and placed he’s bare feet on the floor before standing and taking the four steps over to the desk.

After a moments pause the Starfleet logo was replaced by a male commander. “Ah, Ensign Devron, we’ve received a special request from the Vashran.  Their newly appointed High Chancellor has requested your presence on their home world.”  It had been their predecessor who the Jaxartes and Atragon’s  crews had gone searching for, leading up to the incidents he’d been questioned on. “Did they give a reason why?” He asked the commander. “They refuse to continue with diplomatic relations until they have spoken with, as they put it. The surviving members of the search party”.  The officer paused a moment. “That would include yourself, Ensign Stuart and the civilian Andrianakis, I believe.”

“I’m currently without a vessel whilst the USS Jaxartes awaits repairs.”  Jason replied.

“A Runabout has been placed at your disposal.  Prepped and ready for your departure.” Came the swift reply. “It’s a replacement for the one the Johannesburg sadly lost.  So you’ll be doing them a small favour.”

“And the Jaxartes?”

“Fixed up in 48 hours and following you.”


Three decks above and 10 degrees clockwise around the space station; Ensign Stuart had just stepped out of the sonic shower, when she received a very much similar communication from the same commander, though she did remember to cover up first before accepting it.

Finally the commander made contact with Andrianakis who was across the other side of the station and several decks down; explaining the situation to her.  Being a civilian she’d been give quarters in a totally different section.


At one of the numerous canteen areas dotted throughout Starbase; Ensign Harris sat enjoying a breakfast Barito and a coffee whilst reading from his PADD, when someone ruffled his hair from behind.  “Morning pretty boy.” Came a familiar voice. Ensign Cho dropped into the seat opposite him, with her own breakfast on a tray.

“You know I much preferred it when you were shy and quiet.” Was his reply.

“That’s not what you were saying the other night!” The young Korean smirked.

Chad looked around the half empty room to see if anyone had heard her remark. “Keep it down please.”

“Not ashamed of me already.” She teased, “Any way what are you reading?” She grabbed the PADD before her companion could react and turned the screen to face her. “Bikini Clad Battle Babes Of Braxiuos.”  Cho read out the title of the novel; if that was the correct term to use for this particular work of fiction before placing the device back on the table.

Chad had expected at least some sort of reaction from the young woman opposite; but instead Cho just carried on eating as if this was all perfectly normal.  A minute or more pasted before he spoke again. “So?”  She looked at him puzzled for a moment, before realising the significance of the one word question. “Oh that.  Don’t worry I’ve read it already, but I won’t spoil things for you.  Chapter 9 is epic though!”

Ensign Harris nearly choked on a mouth full of coffee at the response. “You’re so full of surprises!” He managed to say between coughs.

“I think you said that the other night too.” Cho smiled back. “Any way the reason I came looking for you. Lyanna contacted me just.  She and Jason have been requested at the home planet of that diplomate we went searching for.  She feels my linguistic skills might come in handy.”

“So our ships ready to go?”

“Not just yet, we’re taking a Runabout.  You and Dinari will follow with the Jax in a couple of days.”

Part 2: Runabout

Starbase 86 - USS Tarim
1st March 2401 10:30

Three hours later; showered, shaved and dressed Ensign Devron was heading towards his assigned runabout with a go bag slung over his left shoulder.  He figured on being the first one there, but as he approached the USS Tarim, Jason noticed the hatchway was fully open and Ensign Cho standing just inside to greet him. “Welcome aboard captain.” She smiled and gave him a crisp and well executed salute.

“Thank you Ensign Cho.” He returned the salute having first lowered his bag. “I suppose this is Lyanna’s idea?”

“Yes it is.” Came a clearly Scottish voice from the cockpit area which was adjacent to the hatch. “I felt the more the merrier.” Ensign Stuart stepped into view.

“So who else have you sneaked on board without telling me?” Devron enquired in a friendly tone.

“Just Cho; I’m almost done running through our pre-flight checks.  The doc should be here soon, I gather our hosts insisted she came along.” The young Orion poked her head out to look along the currently empty docking area. “Chad and Dinari shouldn’t be too far behind us if anything happens along the way.”

“So I get to spend five days alone with three women, hmm.” Jason pondered the thought for a moment.

“Aren’t you a lucky man?” Chimed Lyanna.

“Ask me that in five days’ time.” Jason smiled and headed for one of the cabins to stow his gear.


It was about five minutes later when Phoebe boarded the vessel.  She had a brand new rucksack on her back and a spotlessly clean shiny metal case in one hand.  When the Atragon had been wreaked everything she owned baring the clothing she’d had on at the time were destroyed.  Even her ID was lost and for the first couple of days on the starbase she’d technically been a none person.  Totally unable to move around freely or purchase any food or replacement clothing without help from a young female Yeoman who’d been assigned as her escort.  Only once her details had been transmitted from Earth, did she once more join the ranks of the living.

Ensign Cho greeted the Greek woman; then closed the hatch before turning to Lyanna. “All set.”

“This is Tarim requesting clearance to depart.” The young Orion called over the comms.

“This is Flight Control; you are cleared to launch Tarim,” came the reply. “Safe journey.”

“Thank you Control. Tarim out.”

The Danube class Runabout lifted up off her pad and glided effortlessly towards the open hanger door out into space.   It took a couple of minutes to get clear of the Starbase; where Ensign Stuart engaged the impulse engines at full thrust.  Then once clear of the outer security perimeter, she jumped the ship to Warp 5.  Baring anything unforeseen it would be a little over 5 days before they reached their destination.


Devron had taken a seat in the lounge area in the aft third of Runabout, along with Cho and Andrianakis.  Nothing much was said for a good hour or so; each of them engrossed in their own thoughts and activities. Until completely out of the blue the Greek woman asked. “So what’s it like sharing a name with an entire star system, mister Devron?”

Cho kept her face as expressionless as possible and didn’t engage either of the other two in eye contact.  To be honest it was something she’d wondered herself; but in the almost five months she’d know the man, nothing had been said on the matter.  To be honest she didn’t know that much about him and neither did anyone else as far as she knew.

Jason placed the PADD he was looking at on the empty half of the long seat he was on and gave a slow stretch of his arms, before looking across at Phoebe. “As far as I’m aware my family had no connection with whoever it got named after.”

“You say, had?”

“Just me I’m afraid.” He gave out a sigh. “The only one left.”  That was a lie of cause and Jason knew it. But one of the sacrifices he’d had to make in order to maintain this new identity was sever all ties with his past life.  There was a tiny part of him deep inside that wished he had been in that restaurant back on Earth when the bomb went off.  But despite it all he was glad of the second chance.  Starfleet was in the blood of the family, or at least part of the family; and now it was in his blood to.

The other two noticed the faraway look in Jason’s eyes.  Deep in thought, remembering all the things he could never tell them about.  Telling people the fabrication that had been invented to explain this current life had never sat easy with him.  So he avoided saying much on the subject at all. The man known as Jason Alan Devron was only three years old after all.  Though right now he wanted to grab the idiot who’d selected the name for him by the collar and ask them what they could have possibly been thinking!

Silence fell across the lounge; all that could be heard was the low hum of the engines at warp softly reverberating through the deck plates. “Are you ok?” Phoebe asked the question in a tone she hoping would convey concern as a friend and not merely someone in a professional capacity.

“Yes. Well mostly at least.” Jason gave a half smile. “You’ll get used to my odd ways and long bouts of silence.”

“Shame I can’t cook us all a nice meal.” The Greek woman leaned forward clasping her hands together. “Things usually seem better after a nice meal; but I fear the choice on our on-board replicator is probably rather limited.”

Devron recalled his arrival aboard the USS Chaffee and how his friend and cabin mate Dinari, had managed to get food poisoning by reprogramming a replicator.  That thought brought a bigger smile to his face.  The young Namibian was the first in a relatively small circle of friends that Jason had made these past couple of years.  Jason was starting to feel a little more relaxed now. After spending a short while recovering from his wound what had followed was a week of intense question had really gnawed away at him both physically and mentally.  A dozen or more scenarios and possible alternatives had played through his mind but the outcome never improved and often ending up worse.

A lot of things just didn’t make sense.  Why would any race with the technical knowhow to us transporters fight with completely outdated weaponry?  He’d tried convoying that to the official’s questioning him back on Starbase 86; Jason had the feeling he’d be going through something similar once they arrived at Vashran.  To think for a moment there he was starting to feel a bit better!

“I really hope my words and actions aren’t going to be something that swings these diplomatic talks one way or the other?” He mumbled to himself.

“Sir?” Cho looked across hoping for some enlightenment.

“Oh don’t worry, just thinking aloud.”

Jason returned his attention to the PADD. Pondering what lay ahead.

Part 3: USS Johannesburg

Epsilon-Kappa 306
6th March 2401 14:00

Everything had run smoothly and gone to plan and the USS Tarim dropped out of warp just beyond the eleventh planet in the star system simple listed as Epsilon-Kappa 306; or Gofrashran as the locals of the fourth planet referred to their sun.  Roughly translated as ‘Giver of life’.  Vashran itself simply meant ‘Living’ and nothing more.  The planet was living and so where the people on it what could be more simple.

Ensign Cho as Communications Officer and a lover of language in general had spent a good part of the journey studying everything there was to know about the Vashran.  To her the Universal Translators where all well and good; but to understand the context in which a word or sentence was being used could make all the difference.

Vashran was a relatively typical M class planet, slightly larger than Earth with a fractionally wider orbit around its sun.  A day lasted 27 hours and there were 379 days in a year.  The planet had two moons though technically the second moon at only 50km across orbited around its much larger brother and not the planet itself.  As the runabout got closer Jason who’d taken a seat in the cockpit next to Lyanna; got his first glimpse of the USS Johannesburg; she was an Obena-class vessel currently on this diplomatic mission.  It was her Runabout they’d found under the sea during their previous mission.

Ensign Stuart made voice contact with the starship and received clearance to land in the Johannesburg’s main hanger bay.  As they were already coming in from behind the other craft; it didn’t require much of a course correction to line up for the approach.  Ensign Stuart brought the Runabout in through the bays containment field; but instead of simply setting the Tarim down on the empty pad, she turned the ship clockwise through 180 degrees before landing.

“No need to show off Miss Stuart.” Jason said quietly in her ear as he got up.  As he was the first one over to the hatch Devron opened it himself and stepped down onto the deck.  He spotted a Bolian in a red command uniform of a design that differed slightly from those he’d more commonly seen.  The man seemed cheerful enough and had a slight smile on his lips; hand raised ready to shake that of the new arrival as he closed the gap.  “I’m Commander Gleway; Welcome aboard the Johannesburg.” He shook Jason’s hand firmly but not to rapidly. “You must be Devron.”

“Yes sir, that’s me.” The young Ensign replied. “I wasn’t expecting such a welcome.  Not exactly sure why I’m here if I may be honest with you?”

“Bit of a diplomatic stumbling block with the locals.  I guess The Romulan’s left them with a few trust issues.” The Bolian spoke with more of a whisper.  Then in a more normal tone of voice. “If you and your crew have any bags Lieutenant Shadaga will show you to the quarters we’ve set aside.”

Devron looked over towards a rather tall and slim female; with golden speckled skin and white hair just touching her shoulders; standing a couple of metres behind Gleway.  He had absolutely no idea what race she was from and tried not to stare too long.  He had to admit though; she did look remarkably beautiful, the way those specks of gold seemed to shimmer in the light.


Each of them had a room to themselves all on the out edge along the same deck; giving them a view of the planet below as the Johannesburg kept perfect pace with its rotation.  They had all agreed to meet up later in the day and grab something to eat.  Without having actually contacted each other first they all managed to exit their respective quarters within the space of a minute.  Everyone else apart from Andrianakis who was wearing a deep purple pantsuit; had on their uniforms.  They walked together towards the nearest turbo lift which took them to the ships main restaurant as recommended my Commander Gleway.

The sign above the double doors which appeared to be made almost entirely from frosted glass, read ‘Welcome to Jozi’s’.  When Jason asked one of the staff working at the premises who Jozi was; it turned out to be an abbreviated name for the ship.  The four of them sat and ate with the occasional glance from various members of the ship’s crew, but no one seemed to pay them too much attention or wonder why they happened to be there.  To anyone close enough who’d bothered to listen in on the conversation going on between them, it would have been evident that they all got on rather well together.

During drinks at the end, Lyanna turned to the Greek woman. “So Phoebe what are your plans after we get back?”

The other woman looked thoughtfully at her half full glass of wine, sloshing the liquid around. “When Hachiro offered me a position on the Atragon; I just couldn’t believe it.” She paused to take a tiny sip. “Why me I mean.  I’m not exactly unique or special.” She looked around at the rest of them; sadness in her eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to find some little outpost or refugee camp that needs a doctor or head back Earth side.”

“About that.” Jason spoke up before anyone else could offer their sympathies to Phoebe. “Before we left Starbase 86, it was confirmed to me I’m definitely Jaxartes captain from here on in.”

“And you’ve been acting your usual distant self for five days without telling us that!” Lyanna was both annoyed and happy in equal measure.  They’d all suspected it, especially after Devron and everyone else had been cleared of any wrong doing on their last mission. But when he hadn’t come out and said anything directly; it had left them wondering ‘what were they not being told?’  Jason jumped slightly an indication that the young Orion had possibly kicked him under the table.

“Well that’s great news.” Enthused Cho.  She looked at her own empty glass. “I could do with a top up to celebrate.” She waved over a passing waiter and asked for another bottle.

“It does mean I get to keep you as my crew.” Jason continued.

“Only if the captain promises not to withhold vital information in the future?”  Lyanna looked directly into his eyes.

“Message received and understood Miss Stuart.” Devron smiled back.  “As captain I can make requests regarding crew acquisitions if a suitable person is known to me and available. Subject to the usual approval.”  He paused a moment as the waiter having brought along a bottle topped up everyone’s glass. “Miss Andrianakis I would like to offer you the position of doctor aboard the USS Jaxartes.”

To say the Greek woman was taken aback would have been an understatement.  She looked first at Lyanna and then Cho; who both gave her an approving node. “You could actually do that?” She asked him.

“The answer to that is yes. I checked before we left.” No sooner had the last words left his lips; Jason moved his legs to one side; just in case a certain crewmate’s booted foot was heading for his shin again.

“If you’re completely sure?”

“Very much so. I have first-hand knowledge of your skills, remember?” Jason touched the area on his uniform where the Orion had shot him.  It only really hurt now if he pushed himself too much in the gym or twisted sharply, other than that it was fine.

She had to admit that the friendship and understanding shown by these individual seated around her, had helped her get through the traumatic events on Y’Teck V.  Yes she still had nightmares; the counselling was helping; but the image of Max Wallerstein’s partially burnt body still haunted her at night.  It was too early to know how all this would affect her in the long run.  Phoebe needed to be with people, people she trusted; right now that was the crew of the Jaxartes.

“Then I would be honoured to accept the position.” Andrianakis replied.  “Does this mean I have to wear a uniform?”

“Not until everything’s done official back at base.” Devron informed her. “You’ll still have to go through the medical first like everyone else.  But I can’t see why you wouldn’t pass.”


Part 4: Meeting

High Chancellors Villa – Vashran
7th March 2401 15:00

When the three crew of the Jaxartes beamed down the planet’s surface along with Commander Gleway; the sight that met them was to put it mildly, breath-taking and at the same time menacing.  Only the Romulan’s could have designed and constructed such an imposing building as the Villa that stood a few metres before them and set it in the middle of a four kilometre square walled garden.  In every direction large expanses of grass, flowering plants, shrubs and towering trees; most of which weren’t even native to the planet.  Then along the wall; the guard towers; each one mounted with a sophisticated tracking and weapons system capable of dealing with a much stronger force than the native population could ever hope to have mustered.

But the Romulan’s where all gone now, apparently abandoning this outpost of the Empire more or less overnight. They’d left a lot of their equipment behind, which seemed rather odd.  This had been a thriving mining operation up until just under a year ago, involving roughly a quarter of the population, and it had been going on for generations.  So why give it all up?  That was the question still plaguing the Federation; and the people of Vashran; especially its officials, seemed rather vague on the details.

By the patio door, which were essentially the back entrance to the property a lone security office from the Johannesburg stood alongside two Vashran security guards; their uniforms bore the hallmark of a Romulan outfit that had been partly altered to remove any old rank or insignia, but it was clear neither uniform had been designed for these particular wearers.  The Vashran as a species were reptilian in origin; descended from something much like a tortoise, though their shells had long since disappeared through the long evolution process.

The Starfleet officer came to attention, whilst one of the Vashran guards ran a small handheld scanning device of the new arrives. “Joint security; helps keep all parties happy.” Gleway announced. “Carry on Brent.” The Commander acknowledged the other man.

As they passed through the glass doors Devron could see a half dozen Starfleet officers and a slightly larger number of Vashran; one of which dressed in a long flowing black robe with silver trim approached them, the moment he noticed them. “Ah you must be Mr Devron and his crew.  I am Chancellor Krevis.” He announced holding out a hand.

“Shan rashran  reev lushran sal.” Replied Jason, which translated as ‘May the light of life shine upon you.’ Cho had spent a couple of hours teaching him this native greeting hoping it would convey respect to their hosts.  For a moment the Chancellor was taken a back.  The language of his people had been band during the Romulan occupation, taught in secret and only recently spoken once more in public.  So to hear someone else use it and not simply rely on the translator was something special indeed.

“I see you are one missing.” Krevis looked past then just to confirm his assumption was correct.

“Doctor Andrianakis will be joining us shortly after this meeting is conclued.” Jason answered.

At that moment Ensign Stuart noted the hurried movement of the Johannesburg’s captain heading in their direction. She gave Cho a gentle nudge. “Shields up!”

It was the first time any of them had actually laid eyes on the man who given his general appearance may have been in his late fifties.  Captain Theodor Vance, was a short man of Caribbean decent, his once jet black close cropped hair was showing signs of grey above the ears and a small patch directly above his right eye, an eye just like its companion which had deep crow’s feet on what was an otherwise smooth well rounded face.  “Chancellor Krevis, I believe it’s time we got this meeting underway.”

“Yes captain, you’re perfectly right.” The Chancellor apologised before taking his leave and heading towards the door through to where the meeting was to be held in the next room.

Vance grabbed Devron’s arm just above the elbow gently yet firmly. “You may be here by special request mister Devron, but as far as I’m concerned you an extra piece of furniture.  So unless you’re asked any direct questions, I suggest you leave all the talking to those with experience and diplomatic training. Do we understand each other?”

Jason merely nodded and waited for the captain to let go of his arm.


What followed was a reasonably civil and calm meeting that lasted a little shy of two and a half hours.  Krevis who although technically the head of the government having stepped into the roll upon the death of his predecessor Kreen; had chosen not to take the title of High Chancellor until a vote was taken in the near future.  But for now, whilst meeting with the Federation it had been agreed he would take charge of matters.

Part way through the meeting both Devron and Stuart where asked questions regarding what they saw on V’Teck V, and much to the annoyance of the Johannesburg’s captain their thoughts and options of how to deal with this mysterious threat.  They both gave honest answers to any questions, which seemed to please the Chancellor and his advisors.  Cho sat at the back of the room just listening and watching.

In the end it was agreed that the Federation would help supply the Vashran with much needed supplies and equipment; which would include heavy machinery to replace the works and keep the mines running.  The Vashran would then be in a position to sell or exchange the rare metals and minerals within them.

As Devron and Stuart stood up to leave the meeting room, Commander Gleway placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Thank you.”

“But we hardly did anything” Lyanna replies honestly.

“Just answered their questions.” Jason added.

“The Vashran prefer to look people in the eye and speak directly.” Commented Gleway. “They did not fully trust us because we were not part of events.  They could see you spoke the truth, so now they trust us a little more.”

“Your captain doesn’t seem too happy.” Jason noted.

“Don’t worry captain Vance can be a stickler for rules and regulation.  But he’s a brilliant man and you have made his job just that bit easier.” Replied the Commander.

They were half way to the door when Vance stepped in front of them, offering his hand.  “It seems I owe you and apology mister Devron. I should never have allowed my own frustrations get the better of me” Jason took the other man’s hand at that point and they shook. “Your being here was rather important to these people and the negotiation, I should have realised that.  And thank you for trying to recover the bodies of my two officers.  I’ve never lost anyone before.”

“I know how you feel, captain.” Jason said solemnly.

“A lot was sacrificed by the crew of your ship. But judging by the way you handled yourself in that meeting, they have a fine leader to hold things together.”


In the other room Andrianakis was waiting for them; she and the crew had been offered the chance to tour the local area tomorrow morning.  It was Krevis’s way of saying thank you for the effort they’d made in attempting a rescue of his predecessor.  A ground car would be waiting for them at the front of the Villa with a chauffeur and guide. But right now; they along with most of those at the meeting were heading to another part of the vast villa for a banquet.

Part 5: Darkness and Light

Mine Number 2 – Shaft 7 – Level 4 – Sector 20
8th March 2401 10:00

As the crew of the Jaxartes began their tour of the local area around the Villa and beyond; a lone Vashran male was heading down in a cage lift running on metal rails anchored to one wall of a vast shaft that ran deep into the heart of a mountain some 50km due west of the Villa.

No one had worked here since the Romulan’s had abandoned the mines, just like they had the rest of the planet.  Kexil had been a foreman here, forced to keep his own people inline, some had hated him for it, in fact he hated himself for some of the things he had done.  But in most cases the things he had done prevented far worse punishments being handed out the Romulan’s.  Punishments he had witness first hand and also felt.  A missing left eye bore testament to that.

Kexil knew every part of this mine like the back of his hand; he could have probably found the way to his final destination in total darkness.  However he did have a small light fixed atop his safety helmet and a large torch in one hand.  The lift rattled and groaned on its decent; the thing was probably as old as he was after all.

Level 4; the lowest in this part of the mine; but not the lowest altogether.  Some Shafts went deeper, but this was the last and Section 20 where he was heading had only been opened the previous year; when everything had changed.

As always on his visits to this subterranean location, it was the chant echoing along the tunnels that signalled he was nearly there.  Then there was the glowing red light from the flicking flame.  Kexil had not been the first to discover the eternal flame, but he was the first to fully understand and embrace it.  For here in the darkness there Lord and Master had come to them.  The prayers of the Vashran had been answered and they had been set free.

Seven naked figures knelt in a circle around the flame.  Seven once proud and fierce Romulan guards forever praising the name of He who had spared their lives.  They had accepted him when others had not; those that refused to believe were all dead now.  He had a thousand faces and as many names, one for every race he had created.  But these pitiful Romulan’s where forced to chant the name the Vashran knew him by.

“All hail the Helgeshran, all hail the Helgeshran.”  He of the light.

“What brings you here?”  The voice boomed and seemed to come from all directions at once, it chilled Kexil’s bones despite the warmth of the flame, a flame older than time.

“My Lord forgive me.  I bring news of those that survived the attack at V’Teck”

“Do you think I do not know everything?” The voice boomed again.

“I’m sorry my Lord.  I meant no disrespect. But they are here on the planet!” Krexil kept his head low.

“And you think I don’t know this!?”  The voice was much louder and for a moment the chanting stopped as fear crossed the faces of the Romulan’s; but only for a moment.

“I have sent two loyal men to deal with them.”

“Do you fear them that much?  And do you not think that I who crushed your enemies overnight would not kill them to if I felt the need?”

“Yes my Lord, I just thought.”

“No you did not think.  My time approaches and I will stand amongst you once more and all who do not believe in me will die by my will.  Call off your men now; or you will feel my wrath first hand.”

Kexil was in a panic as he rushed from the tunnel and headed back to the shaft he’d entered via.  He had no way of contacting the two men directly and by now they’d be in position ready to strike.  Why did that fool Krevis have to invite them. Why couldn’t he have just believed what he had been told?  Curse that idiot he had no idea what great power had set his people free.  He had one hope one gamble, he prayed time was still on his side.


Devron and the crew where being shown all this area of the planet had to offer.  Chancellor Krevis was proud of his people and their resolve.  He wanted to show it off to everyone that came from their new friends the Federation and he hoped one day they would be granted his people membership.

They sat in a car which had once belonged to a high ranking Romulan official on the planet.  It ran on six wheels; unusual in an age where most vehicles hovered, but not completely unheard of.  Their guide Ishla a female Vashran, happily told them about all they saw around them and answered any question.  It was almost impossible though to distinguish gender by looks alone.


The first sign of any trouble was a flash of light 60 metres ahead of the car.  The chauffeur yelled ‘down’ seconds before a rocket grenade hit the front of the vehicle.  But who’ve had fired the weapon clearly didn’t understand how well build this Romulan’s car was.  Though the vehicle was brought to a sudden jarring halt in the middle of the road; very little damage had been caused in general beyond the front engine compartment which had taken the brunt of the blast.  Even the drivers windshield remained intact.

As the two Vashran franticly tried to load a second grenade.  The unmistakable shimmer of a Federation transport beam took shape behind them.  Commander Gleway and three security officers appeared their phasers in hands.  Seeing that they were trapped with no hope of escape they committed suicide on the spot before the Starfleet officers even had chance to stun them.  “All hail the Helgeshran.”  Came their final dying words.


A few minutes later everyone that had been in the car having been joined by Gleway and one of the security stood around it looking over the damage.

“Sorry I was a bit slow off the mark.” The commander apologised. “We only just got the tip off your lives were in danger.”

“Any idea who they were?.” Devron asked.

“There are those that believe your Federation will only prove to be as bad as the Romulan’s.” Answered Ishla. “For that I am truly sorry.”

Devron’s badge chirped a few seconds later.  It was Harris contacting them to make sure everyone was ok; having arrived with the Jaxartes earlier that morning.  Jason confirmed they were safe and suggested to the other they should beam up leaving Commander Gleway and the approaching Vashran Security Force to deal with matters on the ground.  He could hear the wail of sirens growing nearer.  The thought of answering yet more questions was something he’d rather leave to others.


Once aboard Jason headed for the ready room and contacting the Chancellor to let him know everyone was safe, but that he and his crew would be leaving.   Though he did promise to return in the future.

Of cause when it came to finding new crew members Devron couldn’t have it all his own way, whilst his request for Andrianakis as doctor aboard had been accepted he had no say over his new Tactical Officer.  Which was why; despite knowing who would be sitting in that seat when Jason entered the bridge twenty minutes after beaming up; it still came as a jolt.  For Ensign Tholakath was no ordinary Starfleet officer not long out of the Academy like he was; Tholakath was a Cardassian.

‘Does the universe really hate me this much?’ Jason thought to himself. ‘Not content with keep trying to kill me, it sticks a Cardassian on my bridge.’

He sat down in the captain’s chair; feeling a chill across his shoulder as if some ghostly hand had been placed upon it.  Turning to his Communications Officer. “Ensign Cho, put in a request to the Johannesburg to beam out stuff over, if you will.”

“Aye captain.” Came her reply. It was just under half an hour before she confirmed everything was on board.

“Ensign Harris, prepare to break orbit.”

“Where to captain?” The helmsman asked.

“Anywhere but here.” Answered Jason. “See that blue pulsar over there. Head that way!”

“Aye captain. Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning.”  Smiled Harris. “Course plotted and ready when you are.”

“Hit it!”