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USS Jaxartes: Journey To Vashran

Jason Devron heads for the planet Vashran

Mission Description

With the aftermath of the USS Jaxartes previous mission still at the forefront of his mind, Jason Devron doesn’t have much time to rest after the inquest.  The Vashran have made a special request for his presence on their home world.

About the Mission

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Start Date

1 May 2023

Part 5: Darkness and Light

USS Jaxartes: Journey To Vashran

As the crew of the Jaxartes began their tour of the local area around the Villa and beyond; a lone Vashran male was heading down in a cage lift running on metal rails anchored to one wall of a vast shaft that ran deep into the heart of a mountain some 50km due west of the Villa. No one had worked [...]

1 May 2023

Part 4: Meeting

USS Jaxartes: Journey To Vashran

When the three crew of the Jaxartes beamed down the planet’s surface along with Commander Gleway; the sight that met them was to put it mildly, breath-taking and at the same time menacing.  Only the Romulan’s could have designed and constructed such an imposing building as the Villa that [...]

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Part 3: USS Johannesburg

USS Jaxartes: Journey To Vashran

Everything had run smoothly and gone to plan and the USS Tarim dropped out of warp just beyond the eleventh planet in the star system simple listed as Epsilon-Kappa 306; or Gofrashran as the locals of the fourth planet referred to their sun.  Roughly translated as ‘Giver of life’.  Vashran [...]

30 April 2023

Part 2: Runabout

USS Jaxartes: Journey To Vashran

Three hours later; showered, shaved and dressed Ensign Devron was heading towards his assigned runabout with a go bag slung over his left shoulder.  He figured on being the first one there, but as he approached the USS Tarim, Jason noticed the hatchway was fully open and Ensign Cho standing [...]