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The Academy Commandant role has offered me as much learning and development as Bravo Fleet Academy offers to all of our members. Since I stepped into...
INTRODUCTION In the aftermath of the events heralded by the incredible Fleet Action VI: Labyrinth, Task Force 72 continues to grow and develop...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Bravo Fleet Operations Officer
Task Force 17 Commanding Officer
Task Force 72 Commanding Officer
Task Force 86 Commanding Officer
Task Force 93 Commanding Officer
Task Force 17 Executive Officer
Task Force 72 Executive Officer
Task Force 86 Executive Officer
Task Force 93 Executive Officer
Task Force 47 Commanding Officer
Task Force 47 Executive Officer
Task Force 21 Commanding Officer
Task Force 21 Executive Officer
Task Group 25 Commander (TF86)