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USS Solvang: To Go Where Others Already Have

In an increasingly unstable environment it is even moreso important for ties to be maintained between Earth and it's Federation allies. This means supply runs to frontier outposts, transportation of much needed personnel, and damage control in the wake of Frontier Day ...

Mission Description

The USS Solvang, under command of an inexperienced but capable crew, sets out to providing much needed support to the beleagured Federation in the wake of Frontier Day; serving as a salve and bandage to the aftermath of the events following it’s conclusion. In the background of chaos a vessel amongst the drones of many others struggle to keep the United Federation of Planets and it’s ideals intact.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

3 January 2024

An Expected Delay

USS Solvang: To Go Where Others Already Have

T’Pree entered the bridge, the viewscreen showing the blue-green hue of the Azure Nebula off in the distance, and made straight for the chair that the XO conveniently vacated. Nodding at him, she sat down and looked out at the image. “Captain, good of you to join us. Apologies for the early [...]

2 January 2024

Guidelines and Failsafes

USS Solvang: To Go Where Others Already Have

“Captain’s Log Stardate Two-Four-Oh-One Point Two-Six-Nine-Eight-Six; the USS Solvang is currently underway to Starbase Eighty-Six located near the region of space known as the ”Triangle”. It is a known hub of criminal underworld activity and thus is in need of much needed resupply [...]

1 January 2024

Make Way

USS Solvang: To Go Where Others Already Have

Time and time again T’Pree felt the excitement, nervousness, and genuine bewilderment of the crew as she made her way through the corridors that connected to each section of the ship. Though the Solvang wasn’t the impressive assignment most Cadets would have expected to serve on for their [...]

1 January 2024


USS Solvang: To Go Where Others Already Have

“… lvang boasts a revamped shuttle bay for accomodating all standard and non-standard Federation craft.” The Lieutenant in charge of taking T’Pree around the USS Solvang would say, bringing attention to the hangar space; at the end of it a blue forcefield gently humming as it kept [...]