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USS Odyssey: The End Of All Our Exploring

The Odyssey discovers an abandoned ship with no clues as to how it got there

Mission Description

Making their way to Deep Space Five, the Odyssey encounters an abandoned Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter floating in space. When an away team, led by Counsellor Duncan, boards her the mystery of how the ship got there perplexes the crew further. Deciding to take it back to DS5, the ship is soon confronted by others who are keen to have it.

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22 July 2021

Safe Harbour

USS Odyssey: The End Of All Our Exploring

Stood gazing down at the interior bay of DS5, Captain McCallister stood with Rear Admiral Gosch as they discussed Odyssey’s recent skirmish with forces from the Romulan Republic and Fenris Rangers. Within the bay now rested the Troy/Spectre. “I am quite shocked at how both sides were [...]

22 July 2021

Two Sides To Every Story

USS Odyssey: The End Of All Our Exploring

Seated in his chair and after calling everyone to red alert, McCallister was not expecting what was now showing on the main bridge viewscreen. A single D’dreridex class warbird was flanked by two Valdore classes, all three ships were bearing down on the Odyssey now. “Any sign of [...]

22 July 2021

Chaperon Crusade

USS Odyssey: The End Of All Our Exploring

“Captain’s log star date seven-six-oh-three-nine-point five. While our journey home to Deep Space Five has been on the whole uneventful, the mystery ship that we have dubbed the Troy continues to plague my crew from where it came from. In the meantime Counsellor Duncan seems to be [...]

22 July 2021

The Welcoming Party

USS Odyssey: The End Of All Our Exploring

The moment the transporter cycle was complete, Commander Duncan raised his phaser rifle high and the light from the torch on its top shone through the black darkness that filled the ship’s bridge. His hot breath hit against the screen of his EVA suit as he and his team looked around at their [...]