Task Force 86 – Report #4

September 21, 2024

The floor is still shaking from the excitement we witnessed during Fleet Action VI: Labyrinth. Task Force 86 has continued to show that it is always open to new challenges and eager to develop new and exciting stories. We congratulate AzrasD, who became the new Bravo Fleet Operations Officer with the latest Fleet Command. McGig, who stepped up to become the new Bravo Fleet Science Officer, and MJ, who became the new Bravo Fleet Logistics Officer! Lastly, congratulations to the people in the latest Task Force update, such as GreyImage, who became the new Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Force 47! And Vehl, Shepard, and Nitus in becoming a Task Force Executive Officer

But there is more excitement: We also welcome a new task force. We want to join the welcome wagon with TF21’s return to our community! Task Force 21 will focus on defending the federation and unaffiliated planets at the frontier, promoting peaceful scientific exploration, expanding the diplomatic reach to secure more allies, and finally reinforcing and constructing additional defensive assets along our borders! 

Now, let us dive back into 86’s updates, news, and more!

Task Force Updates

With Task Force 21’s warm return, we say farewell to Captain James MacLeod, who has gracefully accepted the new adventure of supporting Task Force 21 in its beginning phases. James has been instrumental in Task Force 86 as its former TFXO and will be a great value and experience to TF21. We wish him the best in this task force and hope he will find as much joy as he found in our task force. 

The latest Fleet Action VI: Labyrinth results are not what we at Task Force 86 had hoped for. We ended up in fourth place, and that is okay. We did our best and showed great numbers that we are up for the challenge in this exciting Fleet Action! Though we didn’t end up in first place, we did enjoy the whole event, seeing the people participating in competitions and games and writing amazing stories! Next fleet event, we will work towards the first place together!

Here are some statistics from this event: 

  • Overall 4th place
  • 123 Total entries
  • Twelve unique participants, averaging ten entries per participant
  • 3rd place in the Writing Ribbon Race
  • Battlefield Promotion: Commander Jason Devron to the rank of Captain
  • Task Force 86 Grant: 30,000 prestige

We saw the arrival of new ships in our ranks, and members used their well-earned prestige to buy these and write new stories. With the dedicated work of our members since the last report and during the Fleet Action: Labyrinth and the implementation of the Fleet Assets in June, Task Force 86 received a few new assets that will patrol the area and help our members in their mission. Below is a summary of these new assets!

With the return of the Task Group Commanding Officers, we are honored to have Beryl Hammond step up and take the seat as the first TGCO in our Task Force and Bravo Fleet since the announcement! We look forward to mentoring Beryl in his new position and showing him the ropes of being a TF Staff! A shout-out also goes to Henry Maxwell, who has joined the Office of OCS. He will be helping the OCS out by processing all the awards members have earned!

Let’s continue with what has happened more in our task force, as our members have not sat idle since our last report!

Fiction Updates

  • USS Mariner – While on a drop-off at a colony, the USS Mariner was dragged into an aperture and severely damaged in Underspace. The crew had to survive the harsh nature of Underspace and the shipwide low morale. They returned to Federation space after some lengthy repairs and tireless overtime work. 
  • USS Luna – The USS Luna entered an Underspace opening and traveled to the Delta Quadrant, where the Devore Imperium tracked them. They had to ram a threat vessel and have some timely intervention by the Klingons to return to Federation space. The ship has since been repaired and returned to Starfleet’s inventory.
  • USS Jaxartes –  The USS Jaxartes begins by investigating a mysterious signal in a dangerous rift and discovers ancient beacons from an unknown civilization. After navigating hazardous conditions, the crew uncovers more about the beacons before safely completing their mission. After dealing with prior challenges, the crew encounters a rogue G-Type star that reveals a Federation transport trapped by a complex gravitational phenomenon. The crew attempts to retrieve valuable intelligence and salvage the ship while navigating extreme conditions, ultimately prioritizing the team’s safe return, though the craft itself is lost.​
  • USS Tomcat – The USS Tomcat continues on its shakedown cruise and, while on a routine patrol, encounters an underspace opening.
  • USS Los Angeles – While the USS Los Angeles was busy with its routine patrol, Pearse received a surprise invitation from her boyfriend to a diplomatic gala on Anthan Prime. After preparing for the event, they attended the gala, mingling with high-ranking officials on a memorable night. 
  • USS Frontier – On their shakedown cruise, the USS Frontier is sent to handle the expansion of Underspace openings. Under orders from Starfleet, the Frontier must maintain its position between Candera Prime and Acamar and be on the lookout for any unauthorized incursions into Federation territory.
  • USS Truckee – Captain Marcus Beardsly reflecting on his recent promotion and enjoying a camping trip in the Arctic before taking command of the USS Truckee. After wrapping up his wilderness retreat, he prepares to meet his new crew, eager to embark on his first starship command. The Captain already gets captured by pirates, and after a tense encounter with a Keldon-class ship, the crew successfully drives off the attackers! 
  • USS Selene – Taking over from the USS Luna, the USS Selene contains most of the same senior staff as the previous ship, with Commander Carrillo being made a full captain. Their first mission was tracking down a pirate vessel attacking Romulan, Klingon, and Federation targets along the borders of the Triangle.

Task Force Recognition




The Task Force 86 staff are proud of our members’ achievements in producing great and beautiful stories over the last few months. Their active participation in competition and gaming has been tremendous and inspiring to witness, and we hope to see more in the future!