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USS Alita (Archive)

Task Force 86

First in her class, the USS Alita is serving as a Rapid Response vessel in Task Force 86. Actively deployed to the Triangle, the Alita is the equipped for just about anything that gets thrown her way. Whether she’s being deployed to a ship in distress, or to actively engaged pirate activity, Captain Wyatt and her crew are a force to be reckoned with. Already, the name Alita makes The Triangles less savory types nervous, and Captain Wyatt wouldn’t have it any other way.

Content on this command is rated at 2 1 2 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Moderate swearing, moderate violence, and sexual innuendo may be present. It is intended for 17+ audiences.

RPG Rating 2 1 2

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 1849
Executive Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Flight Control Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
ID: 1849
Deputy Chief Security/Tactical Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Science Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 1849
Chief Operations Officer
ID: 1849
ID: 1849

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