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Bigger is not always better. The USS Corax may be small, but she has a big crew. Designed for rapid response and escort missions, the USS Corax has been a part of Task Force 93's expanding lore. Now under the command of Lt. Commander Chris Rouse, the USS Corax is destined for continued adventure.

USS Corax (Archive)


Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 17
Executive Officer
ID: 17
Chief Engineer
ID: 17
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 17
Tactical Officer
ID: 17
Science Officer
ID: 17
Mission Advisor
ID: 17
ID: 17
Operations Officer
ID: 17
Flight Control Officer
ID: 17

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11 May 2023

Part Two - The Impending Storm

USS Corax: Cover the Escape

Crumm Widdy never met an eatery he didn’t like. Any place where friends and family could come together and break bread was an ideal setting. His own home found the kitchen as its social focal point.  From the large picture window, he and his wife, along with their co-husband and co-wife and [...]

5 May 2023

Part One - The Weakest Link

USS Corax: Cover the Escape

“I know this one is going to hit close to home, son.” Captain Richards looked solemn on the view screen.  He knew that Lt. Commander Chris Rouse would be having a difficult time conducting this mission. “The Dominion?” Chris asked incredulously, “how is this possible? There’s been a [...]