USS Steamrunner (Archive)

The USS Steamrunner is tasked with run-of-the-mill assignments needed by Starfleet, such as providing logistical, diplomatic, occasional scientific and defensive missions.

USS Steamrunner (Archive)


Freshly assigned to Task Force 17, and placed under the command of Commander Tim Coleman, the USS Steamrunner is tasked with run-of-the-mill assignments needed by Starfleet, such as providing logistical, diplomatic, occasional scientific and defensive missions. Far from the front lines of exploration, the Steamrunner and her crew provide vital missions for the Federation that, while not glamorous or history-making, are still important and desperately needed.

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 2144
Executive Officer
ID: 2144
Chief Engineer
ID: 2144
Chief of Operations
ID: 2144
Chief Science Officer
ID: 2144
Chief Tactical Officer
ID: 2144

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24 August 2022

Telling the Senior Staff

Logistical Support of Bajor

USS Steamrunner (Archive)

“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” exclaimed R’Mar, who had just stood up abruptly, his chair threatening to go much further had it not been for the bulkhead directly behind him, his arms locked, knuckles on the tabletop. The officers assembled had just been informed of the resignation [...]

21 August 2022


Logistical Support of Bajor

USS Steamrunner (Archive)

More than a week had passed since the USS Steamrunner had beamed up the supplies from Tychon IV and had headed out across Federation Space, with Deep Space 9 as their destination. Beyond a few minor course corrections, nothing else had happened during those seven days. No anomalous sensor readings, [...]

4 April 2022

Taking on the Supplies

Logistical Support of Bajor

USS Steamrunner (Archive)

“Captain, we have achieved orbit around Tychon IV,” Lieutenant Commander Rose stated. The USS Steamrunner had come out of warp a few hours earlier, outside of the expansive 13-planet system, and per regulations in this system, had managed a blistering 1/8th impulse all the way in to the fourth [...]

7 February 2022

Marching Orders

Logistical Support of Bajor

USS Steamrunner (Archive)

“Captain, we are being hailed. It’s Admiral Brexx at Starfleet Command,” said Lieutenant Commander Amanda Rose, the Steamrunner’s Executive Officer.  Commander Tim Coleman, the Captain of the Steamrunner-class U.S.S. Steamrunner, had been looking down at a [...]