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USS Centaur (Archive)

Task Force 86


The USS Centaur has been in service for over a hundred years. She was once among many of her own class, but now down to a very few after the Dominion War. Now she simply serves in Task Force 93 under command of Captain John Carter, providing humanitarian aid as best as they can to their Romulan Friends. Only that there is only so much that the Centaur can do with her size, but it does not mean that the Captain or the First Officer, or the entire bridge crew won’t do their very best with what they have, whether it is providing escort, relief, or gathering vital intelligence for the rest of the Task Force.

Right now, the crew on board are simply doing their best to do what they can, even if it means biting off more than the Centaur can chew.

415 Envoy Division

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 2223
Executive Officer
ID: 2223
Chief Flight Control/Second Officer
ID: 2223
Medical Officer
ID: 2223
Engineering Officer
ID: 2223
Tactical Officer
ID: 2223
Security Officer
ID: 2223
Security Officer
ID: 2223
Science/Medical Division
ID: 2223
Security Division
ID: 2223
Command Division
ID: 2223
Command Division
ID: 2223

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18 March 2022


USS Centaur: Mission 4: Road Not Taken

The Centaur is on its way back to the Devron Fleet Yards at cruising speed. The life on board the vessel with merely fifty crew members, was pretty bleak. While most of the crew were going about performing routine maintenance, the four Ensigns were in the mess hall, Ruby and Mizu competing on who [...]

18 March 2022

Chapter Six - Going Home

USS Centaur: Mission 4: Road Not Taken

Bazial turned her head away from her station to look at Vakai. “Sir, the storm is getting worse.” And as if right on cue, the ship’s shields were suddenly struck by lightning. The deck lurched a little bit but enough to raise concerns. Vakai sighed, “Get me Ryker.” Comms Officer looked to [...]

9 March 2022

Chapter Five - The Remnants

USS Centaur: Mission 4: Road Not Taken

Vakai stood there in front of his chair as he watched the shuttle craft leave the port hangar bay of the Hercules and made its way towards the Centaur. Most of the team were on their way back to the ship since the crisis on board the other vessel had been taken care of. The surviving four [...]

25 February 2022

Chapter Four - All in due time

USS Centaur: Mission 4: Road Not Taken

Colonel Ryker watched as the medical staff attended to the two individuals from the ship named the USS Centaur. So he was told. One of them looked more human than the other, except for the way the eyebrows slanted and the ears. Oh and let’s not forget the blood that he saw. As for the other [...]