USS Illustrious

Sutherland-class • NCC-91803 • Saratoga Emissary Squadron • Task Force 93

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*Header image of the Sutherland-class is by Jetfreak-7

Saratoga Emissary Squadron

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24 November 2024

3 - Turning of the Tides

Turning of the Tides

USS Illustrious and USS Shepard

The bridge of the Illustrious had been pretty quiet as they had spent the last several hours traveling. Nothing unusual happened during their travels, which was a plus. Captain Eryi had been sitting in the command chair with Commander Windrow beside him. “We are five minutes out,” Sovik [...]

10 November 2024

2 - Turning of the Tides

Turning of the Tides

USS Illustrious and USS Shepard

“Republic Shuttle Tarex-775, this is USS Shepard flight control. You are cleared for docking in the port hangar bay, reduce relative speed to zero-point-zero-two-five percent impulse, and prepare for tractor lock and guidance.” Tallera smiled as she heard the familiar voice of Calvin [...]

4 November 2024

1 - Turning of the Tides

Turning of the Tides

USS Illustrious and USS Shepard

Captain Eryi Yusari had been sitting in his office onboard the Illustrious, reviewing reports and other items to pass the time while waiting for orders. After taking over as commanding officer, things have been pretty quiet the last few weeks. He was ready to take the ship out for a proper spin [...]

26 October 2024

5 - The Way Home

The Way Home

Tranquility Station, USS Argo, USS Argus, USS Illustrious, USS Khonsu, USS Knight, USS Nighthawk, USS Pandora, USS Relentless, USS Saratoga and USS Triumph

Operations were bustling with activity as officers watched the station’s day-to-day operations. With many ships coming and going from the system, today was a busier day for incoming ships. Commodore Azras Dex was not in her office for a rare moment but decided to be in operations as ships [...]