USS Lincoln (NCC-97934)
The USS Lincoln is a Gagarin-class heavy escort attached to Archanis Station in order to support tactical interdiction, anti-piracy, and border patrol operations within the sector.
The stories of Polaris Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including violence, language and sexual content.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Second Officer & Chief Counselor
Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Small Craft Flight Lead
Sector Commander, Archanis Operations
Squadron Commander, Polaris Squadron
Squadron Operations Officer, Polaris Squadron
5 November 2024
USS Kennedy, USS Lincoln and USS Paramount
First Officer’s Log Supplemental. The Paramount has returned to Archanis Station alongside the Lincoln, the Kennedy as well as the Viridian’s Grace. Captain Tovak begrudgingly agreed to let his claim on the Grace and its crew go as he was called back to Qronod. The Grace’s crew has been [...]
4 November 2024
Act Twelve: Do we have an Accord?
USS Kennedy, USS Lincoln and USS Paramount
“What is it that you wanted to speak with me about?” Vozuk asked her as he sat down. This was only his second time aboard the Paramount and although it had been short he was beginning to become comfortable in the Federation comfort. He was in one of the conference rooms on board, not the one [...]
29 October 2024
USS Kennedy, USS Lincoln and USS Paramount
The USS Kennedy was a small, unassuming ship, and that was very much by design. She wasn’t meant to project strength, but rather to serve as a means to avoid the need for a projection of such strength. But today, she was caught in the middle, and for the first time in a while, the ambassador [...]
27 October 2024
USS Kennedy, USS Lincoln and USS Paramount
“Ms. Lovar, open a channel on all frequencies,” Nitus ordered as she turned her attention towards the viewscreen. “This is Commander Nitus of the Federation starship Paramount. Please respond and identify yourself.” Silence filled the bridge as the channel sat idle. “This is Commander [...]