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USS Galileo (NCC-52001)

USS Galileo

Steamrunner-class • NCC-52001 • Task Force 72

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26 July 2024

Escape - 3

USS Galileo: Escape

“Captain, all systems are back to normal.” After a few days in the Delta quadrant, the Galileo has finally got their warp core and systems back to working condition. With the unexpected arrival of the Galileo in the quadrant through the means of the Underspace. The crew has been working hard on [...]

14 July 2024

Escape - 2

USS Galileo: Escape

Arriving at his ready room, Maxwell immediately took a seat and opened his computer.  “Computer, access all files related to the Underspace. Authorization: Knapp Omega 5 Beta.” “Granted.” Maxwell speed read through some of the reports and he raised an eyebrow and thought, ~ Well now [...]

14 July 2024

Escape - 1

USS Galileo: Escape

Maxwell tapped his combadge and said, “Lieutenant Garcia, have the warp core working as soon as possible.” ~ This should be the logical choice of action. I am still able to give commands and I’m not that injured. With the commander’s skill in engineering she should prove valuable in having [...]

30 June 2024

Departure - 5

USS Galileo: Departure

Maxwell started hasting his walk to the bridge, as departure at 1500 hours was almost imminent. First impressions matter after all, and being a support ship, they had to be on time to support something. If not, there won’t be anything at all to support. “Captain on the bridge!” Maxwell walked [...]