Part of USS Galileo: Escape and USS Galileo: The Nexus Within – M1

Escape – 3

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“Captain, all systems are back to normal.” After a few days in the Delta quadrant, the Galileo has finally got their warp core and systems back to working condition. With the unexpected arrival of the Galileo in the quadrant through the means of the Underspace. The crew has been working hard on navigating the dangerous and unknown space they have been catapulted to. 

“How are we doing, Lieutenant?” Came the curious voice of the Captain. Maxwell walked into the astrometrics lab in a daze with a mug of coffee in hand. Maxwell had been restless for days, researching and finding pathways to return home. They still had a major security concern, they still don’t know where they are exactly. In what foreign space they are in, the treaties that might be breaking for just being there. 

“I’ve mapped out a few of the star systems already but it is still insufficient for navigational systems and purposes. I can propose a mildly safe but incomplete route and since we are in uncharted territory, I can’t confidently say that we won’t run into any hostile forces.” replied Hilary, who also looked worried and worn out of the sleepless nights. 

“If you’ve got something, then we will try it. Ensign Lopez is skilled in maneuvering and just needs some maps to guide the Galileo back home.” said Maxwell. 

“Aye, sir. I’ll have the data routed to the navigational system on the bridge.” 

With that being said, Maxwell promptly exited the astrometrics lab and headed for the turbo lift. Tapping his com badge, Maxwell made up the decision, “All senior staff, please report to conference room 2 immediately. All hands prepare for departure in approximately 3 hours.”

Sitting at the top seat of the table with a LCARS display behind him, Maxwell glanced around the room to see if anyone was missing. Seeing that every senior staff member was present, Maxwell started the meeting. “As you know, we have been stuck in the Delta quadrant for a few days now and we have all worked tirelessly to keep the Galileo up and running. So first of all, I want to thank each one of you for your hardwork and dedication.”

Looking around, Maxwell could see that every senior staff member developed eye bags over the course of the restless nights but he continued on, “We are here to discuss the matter on hand which is to find a way back home, or atleast the Alpha quadrant in which we would have contact with Starfleet.”

With a look from the captain, Hilary continued from where the captain stopped. “The science department has gathered enough navigational data on our current surroundings and Star systems, voids, planets, and other such things. My deputy and I have concluded a navigational pathway that could potentially lead us back home should there be no further problems or delays. We will be traveling through the Underspace corridors but there is no guarantee that we will arrive at the Alpha quadrant.”

Kristen looked at the Chief science officer and was thoughtful about the situation, “We could go with the navigational pathway given that Ensign Lopez can navigate us through it without problem.” said Gardner, looking at the young helms officer.

“No problem at all, as long as we have a navigational system I can get us anywhere.” said Kelly, confident in her abilities.

“Very well then, if there’s no other problems?” asked Maxwell, looking around the room. “Soto, have communications open at all times and have operations in operational status. Graves, I want you on the bridge monitoring any further developments while your deputy is in the lab giving updates per minute on the navigational pathways. Lopez, bring us back home. Manuel, please keep the warp core functioning, we need it to go home or escape. Dusiend, have every tactical system online and ready. Villanueva, do as you always do, heal the wounded crew that may arise during the trip. Keep deaths preferably zero. Dismissed.”

With that, every senior staff member dispersed from the conference room and went to their stations and to their respective duties.


  • What an incredible story! I loved how you portrayed the resilience and teamwork of Galileo's crew. It's clear that each member is deeply dedicated to their mission and their comrades. The tension and determination in Maxwell's leadership, combined with the expertise and courage of officers like Hilary and Lopez, make for a compelling narrative. I felt genuinely connected to their journey and am rooting for their safe return, preferably with zero deaths. Great job!

    July 28, 2024
  • A story that reflects the effects that underspace journey has thorn into each one of them. The good Captain is being humble by giving that compliment and moral boost to applaud them for their hard work. You did an awesome job with this story and it shows that they are not out of the game by a long shot. Maxwell shows leadership by giving everyone their duties and keeps a calm view of the situation even if they might be lost in Delta. Keep up the good work!

    July 28, 2024