It had been standard practice for the senior staff to meet in the Command Briefing Operations once or twice weekly. However, that all changed with the events of ‘The Blackout.’ Within the first week of March, daily meetings became the norm. Each day was filled with discoveries, concerns, and confusing reports that needed to be sorted out. The morning of the 22nd began as the last 21 days had – reports from the overnight shift of each department were reviewed by their respective directors and compiled for the station CO, Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana. PADDs with the data were placed at each seat in Command Briefing Operations. Within five minutes, the directors from across the station’s departments shuffled in and took their seats. As the days wore on, more coffee or tea mugs appeared in hands.
Today’s meeting was getting started. Discussions were being had about the latest areas of space that remained close to sensors and communications. Suddenly, the Communications Director’s badge went off, and he excused himself. Conversations and reports were bandied about until Captain Elbert Burton returned to the circular table. He remained standing, and every eye turned to him. The look on the man’s face was enough to warrant at least a question.
Fontana asked, “Captain Burton?”
Elbert felt a cold sweat running down his back, “We just lost communications and sensor contact with Starbase 400. We’ve also lost contact with USS Zephyr and USS Gagarin. Our communication with Task Force Command has decreased in fidelity within the last hour. In the last thirty minutes, our line to Fourth Fleet Command has stopped responding.” He swallowed heavily, “Harris Transport is reporting limited communication with their extended fleet within the last hour.” He did not sit down as the gathered officers regarded him and spoke quietly to each other. “The protocol for Zephyr and Gagarin is to return if they experience any loss of communication or sensor readings with us.” He turned to Fontana, “Science reports similar losses with sensors in similar timelines.”
Fontana leaned back in his chair, a cautious look crossing his face. “Recall anybody we can reach inside and outside of the system. Get with dock control – we will need to reevaluate any departures immediately. Director Hargraves”, he sat forward and glanced at the Director of Diplomatic Services, “Assemble your team – we’re going to need to work with anyone outside of Harris Transport and Starfleet. They won’t be happy to hear things will slow down.” Charlie gave him a nod, going to work on his PADD. Geronimo turned his attention to the rest of the table, “This Blackout event is a mystery…and the longer this mystery goes on, the more our crews and guests will start to wonder what is happening.” He shook his head, “The rumors are already getting an early start. Commander T’saath, get with Director Walker-Halsey. I want a report in my office by noon on status and scenarios. You have permission to imagine the impossible or even the incredulous.” He gave orders to the rest of the officers gathered, dismissing them shortly. Soon, it was just him and one other officer. “Captain Pantuso.”
Her smile balanced out the eye roll she gave him, “Fontana. I almost laughed at your ‘Interim Executive Officer’ message. Almost.”
He stared at her, and for a moment, he thought he caught a flinch in her armor. He replied, his tone direct, “You’re the best option I’ve got with Crawford out there somewhere on the Franklin D. Roosevelt. You seem to have forgotten our conversation when you turned the Dragonfly back over to Fourth Fleet.”
Her face was a stone, her bright eyes flickering to grey, “I apologized. And took responsibility for the situation.” He wasn’t sure what to make of her attitude. He had entrusted her with a command. And she had failed it, just like Wren Walton had with the Dragonfly before her.
“Alex – the only reason you’re not on your way back to Fourth Fleet is because I can’t risk sending you out there without a stable warp corridor. You can do the right things, but I’m not ready to let this go. I’m giving you a job, and I’m giving you a position to prove yourself.”
Her eyes grew curious, and she asked, “If I don’t prove myself?”
Geronimo scoffed, “That’s not in your character, Alex. But if the universe came to a horrifying halt and you didn’t prove yourself, I’d dismiss you from my services and return you to whoever might be willing to give you another chance.”
“You’re as tough as me, Ger.” She paused, seeming to collect herself. Her eyes searched the room before coming back to meet his gaze, “Thank you.” She hesitated and then stood at attention.
He dismissed her, reminding her, “Meeting in my office – one hour.” The door closed behind her, and he sat roughly back in his chair. Service in the rimward was never easy or simple.